Chapter 10

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Hanna's POV

I woke up from another nightmare. To calm myself, I decided to go for a jog.

Now with my rubber shoes on, I plugged my earphones and started jogging.

The sun hasn't risen yet. Thank heavens it was a full moon, or I would end up stumbling upon my neighbors' garbage bins.

Minutes later and I finally reached the park. The streetlamps were on and I could see two men jogging along the foothpath.

I notice the two jogging closer to me.

"Anyeonghasaeyo." Both said in unison. I quickly replied the same and bowed my head lightly.

"Have I seen them before?" I thought to myself. They looked so familliar. Saw them on tv or something. A commercial maybe? One of those Idol groups?

One was quites taller than the other. The shorter guy had this cute asian eyes. While the tall one... hmm... How should I say this....

Oh well. I should stop bothering. Celebrities dont show up in places like this, not to mention greeting a stranger.


The sun was now bright and gradually, people started appearing in the streets.

Soon after, with my body covered in sweat, I decided to go to a convinience store close by. As I was entering, I noticed the place was swarmed with people whispering and squealing. They were even taking pictures and videos through their handphones.

I wonder why.

I didnt ponder further and went straight to the food section.
When I found the things I wanted to buy, I barely made it to the counter with so much people blocking my way.

What's up with this people?

I finally reached the counter after what seemed to be years of struggling. Putting down the things I have in my hand, I asked the lifeless, I-just-wanna-get-out-of-this-place cashier guy, "Whats with everybody?"

He looked at me like I was asking him the stupidest question in the whole wide world.

"Are you blind?" He lifelessly said and pointed at the left corner of the store. "

On a table, the two guys I came across in the park hours ago were comfortably talking. Still not knowing what's so special with the two, I asked the cashier guy jokingly, "So? Are they celebrities or something? "

I dont know why, but the guy just stood there. Judging me from head to toe.

"Are you, if you dont mind me asking, from the caves?" He said with an eyebrow raised.

"Excuse me?" I replied, offended. I dont live in a cave.

My past was worse than living in a cave. Is it my fault I dont know anything about this celebrities???

"I'm sorry. But if you dont know WHO those guys are than its either you were born today or you lived in a cave your whole life." And with that said, he gives me the plastic with the food i purchased and thanked me for coming.

Like he did not offend me just now.

I could hit him. But I wont. Im a changed woman.
"Thats right, Hanna. Dont mess this second life." I said to myself.

So, I bowed slightly and calmly left the store.

As I walked, I unlocked my phone and opened Naver.

"But for good measure...might as well do my research."


I arrived home still busy doing my "KOREAN WAVE" research. I now know who those two lads were.

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