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I wake up this morning to bright sunlight warming my face. Cal's muscular back towers in front of me. Cal turns to me as I sit up in bed. He smiles and walks over to me. He puts a hand on my head, his thumb stroking my hair. He plants his lips softly on my forehead. "Morning beautiful," Cal says softly. I blush and self-consciously draw my sweatshirt closer to me. Cal pulls me off the bed and into his arms. I wrap my arms around him and sigh into his chest.
"My dad's gonna kill me," I say. Cal squeezes me tightly.
"I told you, if he lays a hand on you, you come and get me."
"What would you do though?," I ask hopelessly.
"Beat the living crap out of him, that's what," Cal growls. "Nobody lays a hand on my girl." His phone buzzes and he pulls it out. I see that it's a text from Mollie.
Cal listen, I've liked you for a really long time. I know Aria will have a hard time adjusting at first, but I really think we belong together. Please go out with me.
Cal sighs. "I knew it," Cal says. He looks at me. "Should we tell her?" I rub my shoulders and look down bashfully. "It's your call Ari."
"I-I guess we should. She's our friend. She deserves to know." Cal nods and begins writing a text.
Mollie I can't. I'm sorry, but I'm in love with someone else. Cal takes a picture of me, my eyes staying focused on the ground and my hands rubbing my arms. He attaches the photo to the text, then sends it. It takes Mollie a few minutes to respond.
When she does, Cal's face becomes angry. "What's it say?," I ask. Cal grunts angrily.
"Nothing," he growls. He tries to shove his phone in his pocket, but I grab his wrist and yank his phone out of his hand. I look at the text from Mollie and feel my chest ache.
You'd really rather date that sorry excuse for a human over me? She doesn't have any meat on her bones and her rack's just some sand - filled balloons. Her eyes are dyed and her hair is nothing but extensions. She pretends that she can't fight just so she can get your attention. She's completely fake and nothing but a drama queen. Enjoy your Barbie doll reject.
I slowly turn and hand Cal his phone. "Well," I say, trying not to cry, "I have to admit, her insults are pretty on point." Cal hugs me tightly.
"Ignore her," Cal says, "she's just jealous." I sigh defeatedly.

Cal and I stand around at the mall. Cal's mom called us in from school, insisting we take a free day. Cal looks at me, then at a clothing shop. "You wanna try out a new look?," he asks. He smiles. "We can have a little make-over. We'll both go get some new clothes and strut around like the prep girls at school." I raise an eyebrow at him.
"So, why do we want to act like them exactly?," I ask him.
"To make fun of them," he says. I roll my eyes.
"Whatever. It could be fun though. Alright, I'll see you in. . .half an hour?" Cal nods and rushes off to some guy store. I look up and sigh at the two stores in front of me. One of them is my usual shopping place, a place called Hot Topic. There goth clothing is absolutely on fleek. But I guess Cal said we should try on a new look. Well, on my right is one of my more distastefully rated stores, New York and Company. I sigh and walk into New York and Company.
Immediately, I spot a pair of dark blue skinny jeans. I pick them up. Further into the store is a pretty nice looking top. It's a white shirt with nice lace and seems to show off most of the models stomach. I pick it up and lay it gently on top of the jeans. I spot a black belt and decide that it might look cute, so I add that to my inventory. Next to where I found the belt is a white headband. I smile and pick that up, too.
Finally, I step into the dressing room with a store assistant. I put the outfit on and smile. I turn to the store lady. "I'll be wearing this out," I say. She gives me a thumbs up, and I pay her the money. I put my old clothes into a bag, then walk out of the store.
Further away, a boy is walking towards the store I was just in. He's wearing a red and black plaid button up shirt with sleeves that are clipped neatly just above the elbow. He's also wearing dark jeans and red converse with white trim and black laces. I gasp as I realize that it's Cal. Damn, I think. Cal's looking right at me, but doesn't seem to know that it's me. "Cal," I call, waving him over. Cal's eyes go wide as he realizes who I am, and he rushes over.
"Damn Aria," Cal says, "you look hot." I smile at him.
"Same to you," I say to him. He smiles and kisses my forehead.
"Well gorgeous," Cal says, grabbing my hand, "care to get some lunch?" I smile and lean on his shoulder.
"Yeah sure why not," I say. With that, we begin walking towards the food court. I stop as I hear a cough behind me. I turn and feel my stomach drop. Standing there, tapping his foot in agitation, is Rycker. Standing beside him is Mollie.
"What are you doing here?," Cal asks, his eyes full of hate.
"Mollie informed me that Aria was cheating on me with her boyfriend," Rycker says, glaring at Cal.
"Cheating on you?!," I yell. "We were never even dating!"
"Yeah Mollie what the hell?," Cal asks angrily. Mollie squints her eyes at Cal.
"I loved you first Cal," Mollie snarls. "Then you take her, this- this plastic, completely fake, one hundred percent artificial bitch- as your girlfriend. Well I'm not standing for it. I'm not gonna let you throw your life away for this whore!" Cal took a threatening step forward, his fist raised.
"Say one more thing like that about Aria," Cal barks, "I'll pound your damn face in." I grab his arm, trying to hold in my tears. Cal looks back at me, then steps back. "Look, we don't have time for this crap, nor do we care. Go burn in Hell, we've got places to be." With that, Cal wraps his arm loosely around my waist and we turn and walk in the other direction. I kiss Cal's cheek, feeling happy for the first time in years.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2015 ⏰

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