Chapter 9 New home

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Jonathan didnt show me around his house , no instead he took me and left me in a bedroom all by myself on the second floor . "what lovely house manners " i thought to myself .I didnt know what i should be doing so i wanted to look around .The room i was in was so big ,the bed was the biggest thing in the room . It had dark wood , and red blankets. I knew from this that its Jonathan's room .I didnt wanna stay in here too look around anymore .I turned and saw the door and left .

The hall was huge to . I couldnt even see the stairs from either way , I picked right and started walking . After about 30 minutes of walking i finally found the stairs , but what caught my eye was the door before it was so beautiful . The door was a white with red flowers on it the had green vines the curl around them .I stepped closer and pushed the door open . I couldnt believe my eyes . I thought the door was beautiful the room is lovely . The walls were painted white with the same red flowers as the door but more vines on them . The floor was wood but had a zebra print rug in the middle the was big .The bed was a princess bed like i had always wanted .It has a desk with a laptop on it . A couch and matching chairs around a flat screen with tons of movies ,and what looks like to be a bar of to the side . Theres two doors in the corner that looks like a bathroom and cloest . I walked over there to open up the first one . It was a big bathroom that matched the bedroom . I smiled and shut that door . I walked over to the next door and opened it . It was the biggest walk in cloest i have ever seen .All the cloths in there are my size .I was getting ready to shut the door when i heard a sound from behind me . I froze , i didnt know what to do . I know Jonathan told me not to talk or trust anyone so i turned around slowly .

There was a man leaning against the wall. He had blue eyes that were so blue you could not tell the difference between his eyes and the sky .His hair was dark brown , so dark that you could take it for black if you stare at it to long , it was a little long . He was about six foot .He was so hot . My mouth fell open and i stared at him .

"well I was going to comment on how pretty you are , but when you hold your mouth open like that its not very attractive ." he said .Than he started to laugh and it was soo beautiful that i felt like i was in heaven .Before i realized what i was doing i was walking towards him with my hand out . As soon as i remembered what jonathan said i dropped my hand and stepped back . He frowned at that .

"well I guess you have been talking to Jonathan about not trusting anyone , but see i wont hurt you because im Jonathans bestfriend and you smell like him so im pretty sure your his soul mateor his new maid . But if your his new maid dont worry because i will steal you for sure .Whats your name girl ? " he said than he winked . I froze again how can he smell me from that far away , do i stink ?

"Im Clare , i was told by Jonathan that im his soul mate .Whats your name ?" I said .

"Well clare your lovely , I cant believe your that dumb ass soul mate but he sure is lucky .Im Jake." jake said. I smiled because we had just ment and hes already way nicer than jonathan . He was looking at me waiting for me too say something .I didnt know what to say so i just looked at him .

He stopped smiling and smelled the air around me .His eyes turned red , he looked at the floor and glared at it .

"Clare why do you smell like pain and tears ?" Jake asked . I frowned and looked down at the floor , I couldnt tell him . I dont wanna remember it myself so why should i bring it up ? He looked up from the floor and stared at me with his red eyes .The next thing i know was he was grabbing my arm .

"clare he hurt you , hes not aloud to hurt his soul mate . He should be protecting you from harm not hurting you ." Jake said . I want to tell him but i didnt know how . Tears came to my eyes and i looked down again .

"Jake he slept with me , and i didnt want to ." I said than . My knees became weak ,and jake grab my other arm and lead me to the bed . I know without him i wouldnt be walking right now . Jake sat me on the bed than sat down next to me . He grabbed my face and made me look at him .

"Clare i promise you as long as im around nothing will ever happen to you again ."He said . I know i just ment him but he already makes me feel safe so instead of answering him i lend in and hugged him . He smiled and hugged me back .

"thank you jake " I said . as i pulled away . He took his hand and wiped my tears away . I could already tell me and him would be great friends .

So it turns out this amazing room is mine , and i thought i would be lonely here but im not i have Jake . Hes like my best friend . His room is right across from mine and if hes not in my room than im in his . Its been a month and i havent seen Jonathan at all . I dont want to either . Jake doesnt know this but i have a crush on him . No hes not any where close to Andrew or what i had with Andrew but Jake makes being here so much better .

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