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Yep, I'm going to be one of those authors who make sequels to their books and don't allow there to be just one book and one ending.

No, no, the story of Jackie Snow continues....IN THE GIRL WHO BELIEVED IN THE LIGHT!

I've been planning this for quite a while. I can't believe I'm writing a Never thought I'd get this far, with this many readers and votes!

Now, this is the prologue. Then I'll post the first chapter IF you people give me approximately 50 reads and 10 votes.



Alright, let's start the story. And this is the prologue, and it's going to be in third POV, like just for the Prologue. Possibly for other chapters, I still haven't figured it out quite just yet, but I'll let you know in the author's notes.





"Erebus, they killed our father," Mother Nature informed Erebus for the umpteenth time. Erebus rolled his eyes at her.

"Nat, our father has comitted many crimes, although it was extreme that they killed him, but not intentionally. We witnessed it ourselves. He was destroyed by his own fear, and it wouldn't have gotten to him if he wasn't trying out for world domination," Erebus told his sister calmly as he raised the water out of his cup and dropped it back in.

"So you feel no sadness for him?" she asked, her voice dropping to a mere whisper. Erebus raised his dark brown eyes, that almost look black, to meet his sister's unusually bright green eyes.

"Of course I do sister," he assured her, rising from his seat. He wrapped his arm around her as she leaned against him, a single tear coming from her cheek. "I feel a mix of emotions - to the point that I cannot even express them. I feel the exact way you do, although I do not feel the need for vegeance."

Nature looked at him in disbelief. "They may not have directly killed him, but those Guardians most certainly intended his death," she scoffed.

Erebus shook his head and sat back down on the black leather sofa. Eerebus and his sister lived in the same hide out, fully modernized for themselves. The location was somewhere in Transylvania, cleverly hidden. Their father had picked it out for them and let them do the rest.

"That still does not mean we should try destroying them as well. Our father attempted revenge, and look where it got him. And to top it all of, if we did destroy them it would begin complete chaos in the world. It would unbalance everything, and you, my dear sister, are a Balancer. It would be against what you do," Erebus replied thoughtfully.

"It's not like anyone can do anything, I control most of the structures of the Earth for goodness sake! I work alone for my job as Mother Nature, not including you Erebus. And whether it is right or wrong, I intend to get my revenge on them. I suppose I won't destroy, but I will make them suffer," Nature promised.

"You're not thinking clearly out of grief, Nat. Why don't you just go rest in your bedroom? You need to calm down. Don't do anything irrational before informing me. You and I both know how you can be when you are in a rage," Erebus said calmly, taking Nature to her bedroom. Nature yawned and nodded.

"This is not the end of discussion though," she said, as she sat on her bed, taking off her leather combat boots that matched her brother's.

"I'm aware of that," Erebus chuckled. "But we both need rest." He said, running a hand through his shoulder length black hair.

"Noapte bună, Erebus," Nature said in Romanian, her voice evident that she needed sleep, as she pulled the hair tie out of her black hair.

"Noapte bună, Nat," Erebus replied.

Erebus went back to his room which was completely in black. He and his sister had a fondness of black, but maybe it was because that was in both their natures. Their father was Pitch Black after all. He took off his leather combat boots and took off his black shirt, preferring to sleep shirtless. He lied down on his silk comforter and allowed himself to attempt to clear his mind from all of his thoughts.

Erebus could control all of the elements; water, fire, earth, and air. He was not well known, but he still had his own job. His sister Mother Nature was known from across the world, and she can control the elements as well, and the animals all over the world. They both controlled the seasons besides winter which Jack Frost controlled, but Nature still controlled the other seasons. In a way, Erebus and his sister shared the job of Mother Nature, but not many people knew that.

After their father's death, being eaten by his own fear, Nature was hell bent on revenge, while Erebus tried to calm her and already been trying to accept their father's death.

Erebus knew that Nature couldn't be convinced not to get revenge on the Guardians. He knew he would have to keep an eye on her, or else she would wreak havoc.

Although most people would expect Erebus to be evil like his father, he wasn't. He only wanted to bring good to his world. And so did his sister, but if his sister is blinded by grief, hurt, and anger, she will only want the worst to be brought upon the one who caused her to feel that way.

Through all these thoughts, Erebus managed to fall asleep, silently wishing luck to the Guardians because Mother Nature was coming - and despite her name, she was not bringing good things.

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