08; germs

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a r e u m

I enter my first classroom fairly early, yawning. I scan the room to see if anyone has arrived and I found someone who was looking out the window, their attention turning to me when I walked in.

"JUN!" I shriek, running towards him and engulfing him with a long hug. "I thought you weren't coming back to school! I thought you died or something!" Even though it's only been a few hours since I last saw him, it's been forever since I've hung out with him properly.

"I'm probably going to die because you're suffocating me." He laughs but coughs loudly into my neck and I retract immediately.

"Dude, don't give me your germs." I cringe in disgust. taking my seat next to him.

The whole day, me and Jun were always together, only separated when in different classrooms or when going to the toilet.

On the way home, my phone buzzed, notifying me I had a new notification (a/n obviously).

seungkwannie 🍑: areeeeuueeueeueueueueeueueueeueueueueueuueeueueueueueue,mmemmem

areumisswag: yes

seungkwannie 🍑: i heard that u met vernon

areumisswag: oh yeah he's a cool guy

seungkwannie 🍑: u met him before me

areumisswag: ...yeah?

seungkwannie 🍑: i met u first its not fair :-(((((

areumisswag: well maybe its fate

seungkwannie 🍑: don't say that

seungkwannie 🍑: its hurting my heart

areumisswag: its ok bby seungkwannie just put a bandage over it n u wont feel pain

seungkwannie 🍑: bandages wont help

areumisswag: well then idk what to do

seungkwannie 🍑: give me a kiss

areumisswag: what

seungkwannie 🍑: u heard me

seungkwannie 🍑: give me a kiss

areumisswag: no ur not my boyfriend

seungkwannie 🍑: i could be

areumisswag: what do you mean? (a/n since ur running out of time what do u mean oh ooh oOH)

seungkwannie 🍑: i like you areum

I stop walking.

Did he just say what I think he said?

double update whooo

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