09; okay

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j u n

"Areum!" I shout, catching her as she falls to the ground. W-Why did she faint?! "S-Someone help!" I call out, but when looking up I realised no one was there. Come on Junhui, get it together! Think of someone! Anything! Oh yes! Go to Mingyu!

I carry her in my arms before rushing over to Wonwoo's apartment, taking the stairs instead of the elevator this time.

"Open the door!" I shout, kicking the wood loudly until an angered Mingyu comes to the door.

"A-Areum?!" He says in shock as I push him out of the way, laying her on the sofa. "What happened to my little sister?"

"I don't know. She just collapsed!" I panic, grabbing tufts of my hair. Mingyu checks her pulse and her breathing before sighing in relief.

"She's fine. But she needs to rest." He says and I nod, taking her phone which was being held tightly by Areum.

I unlock it with ease and it opens up with a conversation.

seungkwannie 🍑: give me a kiss

areumisswag: no ur not my boyfriend

seungkwannie 🍑: i could be

areumisswag: what do you mean?

seungkwannie 🍑: i like you areum


This makes much more sense now.

Since I've been her friend for so long, I knew she would overreact. She's not comfortable with relationships, especially after what happened in the past.

I just hope she'll learn to love again.

a r e u m


'Don't say my name, Areum.'

'Why are you doing this to me..?'

'Because I never loved you.'

I groan as I open my eyes, adjusting to my surroundings.

"Oh my God!" Jun shrieks, wrapping his arms around me and squeezes me very tightly.

"Let. Go. Can't. Breathe." I choke, slapping his back. I inhale deeply as he releases me with a relieved grin. "You're never this happy to see me.."

"Well, you fainted and I thought you were going to be in a coma for like 100 years!"

"I.. fainted?"

Jun rolls his eyes. "Do you really think I would lie?" I nod. "Yah! Well the point is I'm not lying."

"I believe you, I guess. By the way, where are we? What time is it?"

"We're at Mingyu's and Wonwoo's. It's midnight so they're both sleeping. I think. Or maybe having a make out sess-"

"What is with you and make out sessions?"

"I don't really know."

There was a silent moment before Jun sighs, leaning his head against my shoulder.

"Areum, I saw that conversation.."


"A-Are you okay?"

I look at the male and I can see the nervousness and cautiousness in his eyes.

I'm not, to be honest.

"Of course I am you pabo." I smile, smacking him on his head.

"Hey!" He whines, rubbing the spot I hit on his head which causes me to burst into fits of laughter.

Well, if you're here..

..I guess I'll be okay.

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