Chapter 1:School

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  BEEP...BEEP...BEEP.BEEP.BEEPBEEPBEEPBEEPBEEP. I press the snooze on my Lego Superman alarm clock before groaning.

  Another day at Orange Grove High School in Orange Grove,Texas.It's seven o' clock in the morning,and school starts at 8.My apartment is right around the block to the school,so it usually doesn't take me long to get there.However,due to construction,I'm forced to take the long way and go over two blocks and then cut through the field.

  I lay in bed for a few minutes,checking the gram and what's going on in the Twittersphere.Nothing special really,just Oh No Harry and Supernatural As A SitCom  are trending, catching my slight attention.

  I get up and go to my closet, deciding whether I want to wear boots or my tennis shoes.I eventually just screw it and wear my house shoes and a pair of blue skinny jeans,along with my Panic! At The Disco shirt I got a few months back.It's not like I have anyone to impress anyways.I put on some deodorant, perfume, and my diamond stud earrings before grabbing my bag and turning the light off in my room.I go to the kitchen and set my bag on the counter,starting my pot of coffee.Two spoonfuls of stevia and no cream,add it to black coffee.That's how you create genius,my friend. I check the time on the microwave as I open my fridge for yogurt.7:30am.

   “Crap!I'm going to be late!Screw the yogurt."

I put my coffee in a thermos,and set it by the door as I brush my teeth really quickly.As I spit,I look in the mirror,bracing myself for what my hair looks like today.Oh Thank God.It's fine,falling down in nice natural waves.
I turn the light off and grab my things before heading out the door,taking a sip of my coffee in the process.

  I use all my leg strength to push myself as fast as I can manage,but being careful not to trip and stumble on cracks in the slightly slanted sidewalk.

  I was supposed to meet my calculus teacher at 7:45 to discuss my benchmark results,but now that's clearly not happening.

  It took me longer than I thought to find clothes,and so now I'll be lucky to even arrive  before announcements,let alone on time.

  Finally,after.what seems like forever,I finally arrive at school.I take my headphones out of my ears and slip them in to my bag.I walk up the steps and inside where I'm greeted by the stern,irritated  attendance clerk Mrs.Zuniga.

  “Good morning Kyle.Late again I see.Keep it up darling and you'll find yourself in detention."

    “Thanks for the warning."

She hands me my tardy slip and I head to my locker,grabbing my English textbook.

   I go about my day,wondering why we even have to be in school right now.Every other school in the district is on Spring Break,why can't we be?

“It's not even fair,I mean why can't we have fun and mingle when it's nice out?Why do we have to be on break when it's meant to be gross and muddy outside?"I ask my friend Harlie.We're at lunch and discussing the many downsides of having spring break the week after every other school in the state of Texas.

  “Whatever,I guess,"Harlie shrugs,taking out a granola bar from her black fringed drawstring bag.

   Harlie goes to close her bag,but stops when she sees something,her emerald green eyes widening.

       “Oh yeah!I nearly forgot!I have the pictures from Makenzie's roller rink party.I don't know if you want them though,since they have him in it.."Harlie trails off awkwardly.

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