Chapter 3:

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"Can the following candidates please stand up?"Charlize asks,standing in the middle of the room.

"Kyler Nelson,Sean Carr,Hannah Aldo, Alana Hunt ,Des Nikole,and Kyle Rivers. Will you please follow me?"

Charlize leads us to a door parallel from where we all came from. We walk inside,me being in front of an attractive boy wearing the skinniest jeans I've ever seen on a guy.

I'm usually not one to judge,but based on what I've seen him goggling at Charlize's boobs as well as everyone else's, there's a good chance he's a fuck boy. There's a lot of them at my school. I'm currently in a relationship with a former fuck boy too, so I'd say I'm fairly an expert in the identification of one.

We go in through the door and are immediately greeted by three people sitting in black leather chairs. Ken,Ronnie,and some other person I don't know. He has a beard though, if that helps. Everyone else seems to be freaking out,but I just smile politely and stay quiet.

A lady wearing all black (same) advises us to sit on the floor,as we're going to be here for a good while. We all sit down except one girl, who is standing with her nose in the air and arms crossed.

"Ew ,I'm not sitting down there. My Uncle Stephen paid $300 dollars for this dress."

"Is there a problem Miss Aldo? " Ronnie asks, noticing the girl standing up right away as she sticks out quite noticeably.

Kylie shoots a huge kilowatt fake smile towards Ronnie's direction. "No, ma'am. It's just that,well,I can't sit on the floor. It'll ruin my dress."

"If you can't sit on the floor,then perhaps this isn't for you as in the acting world, sitting on the floor is the least of your worries."

Kylie's eyes go as big as saucers as she stands there, stunned. After a few minutes she sinks down slowly onto the floor, cringing.

Ronnie looks like she wants to laugh, but she manages to keep a serious face as she leans back in her chair slightly.

Ronnie is officially my new favorite.

After we get situated,Ken stands up and addresses us all.

"Guys,this is Mark Sheppard,one of the stars on the hit television series, Supernatural. He's here to talk to you all today about what goes on the show and has a very special announcement just for you six. Please show some respect as this is a huge privilege and honor."

Ken sits back in his chair as Mark stands up and waves. He walks closer to us, and before I know it he just plops down on the floor next to us.

"Hey guys, what's up? Have we all had a bit of fun today?" Mark as us, shaking each of our hands.

Nerve racking? Yes. Scary ? Absolutely. Fun? Sure,let's go with that. I mean, I should be grateful I got this far,whatever this is. Right?

"You alright there,love?"

I'm snapped out of my thoughts as Mark is right in front of my face.

"Wha-yeah,yeah,I'm good. Thanks. "

I give him a nervous smile as I tuck a piece of hair behind my ear. It's always been a habit of mine. When I was really young, my mom would tell me that if I was ever in a nervous situation, to tuck a piece of hair behind my ear so the magic sparkle in my hair could flow into my ear and up my brain to calm me.

Looking at it now, it's really quite a weird thing to say to such a child, and now I understand why the detectives looked at me so strange in that room, but oh well.

It's always been "our thing."

Mark nods his head and keeps going down the row until he's finished and sits back down.

"Okay,here's what's up. You six are here today because you all have talent. Aspiring actors,yeah?"

We all nod our heads.

"This talent agency offers their spots to dancers, singers, and actors. Every casting call, they offer three spots for each category. No exceptions."

Mark looks at all of our faces to make sure we comprehend what he's saying.

I don't quite understand, but judging by our faces, I'm not the only one.

The boy with the tight pants,Kyler, raises his hand.

"Why are there six of us right now then, if y'all only accept the top three?"

Mark nods his head in appreciation.

"Good question,good question. Basically,erm,well,I'm not quite sure how else to say it. We're asking you all to come to Vancouver so we can choose the top three. It's a win win situation really. I mean,on one hand,you are chosen and get to be represented by this agency. On the other hand, if you don't get selected, you get to go away with truly exceptional knowledge of what it's like and some amazing tips from professional actors and experienced crew members."

Whispers of excitement ignite from the six of us, and it takes three minutes before they get us to quiet down.

"Yes,yes,very exciting. CW network has worked with this company in the past, although it was for that horrid show The Vampire Diaries. We will send you and your guardian home with a paper that explains everything in detail,but everyone involved with the show is thrilled to have y'all joining us. You will be assigned a mentor when you arrive on set, and they will show you around and have some one on one time with you."

Mark tilts his head up in concentration. "I believe that's everything you need to know right now...Oh! We'll be leaving Monday morning,and we're still not sure if we wanna film you during the two weeks you will be joining us, but there's a permission slip attached to the back for your guardian to sign just in case."

"Are there any more questions?"


Mark nods his head.

" Alright, that is all. See Ronnie and Ken for a paper with all the information and I will be seeing you on set quite soon. Also, Ms. Aldo? I've been informed that you will be my kid. So look forward to that. Alright, see ya loves next Monday.Bye!"

We are directed to Ronnie and Ken and they hand us a packet with our names on it.

Sean, Kyler,Alana, Des..

" Kyle."

The packet has my name and it's in a very professional looking manila folder.

"Best of luck with everything,darling," Ken says as he shakes my hand as I'm leaving.

"Thanks so much!"

I am so excited for Vancouver!


....I know....I know....all this time for one lousy chapter............ I don't even have an excuse......I've rewritten this chapter 4 times and this is what came out of it...But! I will have loads of more chapters coming in the next few weeks!

Also,comment below how you feel about Misha having a Tumblr...bc I'm scared AF X

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