Chapter 5:

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"Sweetie,sweetie,wake up darling.The plane will be landing in 10 minutes." I open my eyes,greeted by a kind flight attendant who smells of roses and honey nectar.Once she sees I'm awake,she pats my arm and moves on,making sure everyone else on board is awake as well.

It's me,Des,Sean,Hannah,Alana,a nd Kyler,along with a few supervisors sent to babysit us.Nothing says bad publicity for an agency like a bunch of unsupervised teenagers on a private jet causing mayhem.We've all been up since before dawn..yeah,as if.If it weren't for someone getting up to go to the bathroom every three hours,y'all would assume we were all dead.

I'm packing up my headphones and setting them in my bag when the eldest supervisor,Grayson,speaks up to inform us of a few things.

"Alright everyone,we are about to land at Southwest Airlines International Airport in Vancouver,Canada.It's currently six p.m.When we land,I'd like for us all to stay together as we grab our belongings and make our way through the airport.Once we have everything,we shall pile up in a taxi van and head to the Monroe Marque Hotel where you will be staying for your time in Canada.Two people per room,and only girls with girls and boys with boys.Any questions?"Grayson asks,scanning our wide-eyed dazed expressions.

Sean raises his hand.Everyone else groans.Here we go.

"What if you're gay?"

Grayson looks taken aback and has gone slightly pale from the question.I guess the flashcards he was reviewing at the beginning of the flight on 'What To Expect With Supervising Teens'didn't prepare him for that particular subject.Shocker."W-well,boys with boys and girls with girls,"Grayson manages to stutter out after two minutes of complete silence as everyone stares at him,waiting for him to answer.

"But I'm gay.Aren't you worried about me making a move on Kyler?After all,we're the only boys in the group,"Sean strikes back.

A bead of sweat rolls down Grayson' s temple,unsure of what to do,while Kyler shifts around uncomfortably in his seat,probably mortified.

It's ok Kyler,I would be too.

Sean's not gay.That's a fact.He's probably hit on every girl he's seen since he arrived at the airport 12 hours earlier,including Des' s mother and the flight attendant.Des told me.He's probably just trying to get a room for himself.

Grayson starts,"I guess we could put you in a room by you-"

"Sean' s not gay,"I blurt,ignoring the irritated expressions from Sean and Hannah,who apparently was hoping Sean would become her roomie over one of us girls.

"He just wants a room by himself so he doesn't have to share with Kyler,"I continue.

I glance over at Sean,and I can practically see the smoke coming out of his brain from trying to come up with another idea for Operation No Roommate.

Grayson scans Sean's face for a moment quite intensely,watching him rack up a way out.When Sean notices Grayson' s stare,his cheeks go hot pink.

Grayson clears his throat,a newfound gleam in his eye.

"Sean,as it seems to me,you're not gay.And judging by the look on your face,you know you're not gay.Therefore,you shall have a roomate.However,Kyler will not.I won't punish a nice boy who hasn't done anything wrong."

Ky smiles and fistpumps, now clearly happy with what he's hearing.Sean shoots him daggers from where he's seated on the plane.

"Sean,you shall be roommates with Kyle.Kyle's the only one who hasn't shot you heart eyes whenever she gets the chance.I think she'll be perfect."

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