Untitled Part 2

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As the night progressed i slowly snuggled closer in with Ash, the warmth provided from this was overwhelming, it never got too much and seemed to soothe everything in me. These naive feelings that came to me were only because it was the first real time any male had paid attention to me, so naturally i felt it all at once. Eventually he moved in and kissed me and despite everything i heard about first kisses being awkward, this was far from it. It was comfortable and that made it ok that it wouldn't be a long term thing. We hooked up for the next hour on the trampoline, despite Dylan and Ariel constantly voicing their discomfort for what was happening. Eventually it was all laughed off and Ariel and I left the boys outside and went in to sleep in her room. As we settled down, Ariel in her bed and me on a lumpy mattress on the floor, she turns to me," So how was it?" she whispered in fear of waking her parents. "It was nice i guess, first time I've really done anything like this at all." i responded. Ariel giggled in response," yeah I could tell, you seemed almost nervous." Even though it was only Ariel my cheeks blazed, " Well i didn't really know what to do." I mumbled "Don't worry as time goes on you'll pick it up" Ariel laughed.

It was the Monday after my first hook up and it just replayed in my head constantly. Before it felt as though it was never going to happen, I'm only 14 but i was growing impatient wondering if it was ever going to happen, It was sad because i was only so young but I started to doubt myself and feel there was something wrong with me because I hadn't kissed a boy yet, which is kinda miserable, I know, but not exactly uncalled for. Ash was kind enough to text me afterwards, which was a courteous gesture I really appreciated, made me think it wasn't just a quick and cheap hook up but just a cordial night really. Being the lovely guy he is, he invited me to his school's fair this weekend, even though I know nothing can come off me and him because he's pretty much in love with Portia, I still wanted to be friends with him. When i get nostalgic in the future i wanna be able to say that we were still friends.

I have told only a few of my friends at school, as I'm not particularly close with any of them except Mimi and Logan. Of course i have friends i would consider good friends there seems to be a natural difference between close and good. Good friends means that you have someone to talk to and you'll find yourself going to lunch with them or even having a sleepover. Close friends means that a conversation runs naturally off your tongues, a close friend is someone you would tell things like your first kiss to.

Mimi had been a close friend of mine since grade 6, we've both agreed not to talk about those days because to put simply we were little brats. Mimi and I was those stereotypical 12 year olds, anyone who wasn't forced to associate with us would avoid. To think about those days just fills me with shame but i guess we all had to go through those days. Mimi had shoulder length brown hair, green eyes and a round face. She was toned but had a curvy lower body. Mimi was known for not making the most intellectual comments at that age, like the time she wanted to get her cartilage pierced but mixed up the word cartilage for cleavage and told me she,"wanted to get her cleavage pierced." but it was statements like these that made her highly entertaining to be around. The thing is she wasn't actually dumb, in fact she was a very bright girl, only when a weird thought enters most people's minds we ignore it and keep it to ourselves, we don't share these thoughts with others as we're scared we are going to be judged. Mimi never had this problem, all these weird thoughts we all have, she just voiced and yes this did cause people to look less favourably on her capabilities but that didn't stop her.

Logan was someone I had only became friends with recently. Apart from breaking an old friend of mine's heart a couple of month back he was a top guy, besides the girl had long since moved schools and we grew apart. Logan was my height, dark brown hair and stunning eyes, they were a mixture of green and blue. Logan came from an Italian background and lived just down the road from me. The reason we were such good friends was that he kept me grounded, if ever his or my ego were to get to big we would always bring the other back to Earth. 

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