Chapter 3

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Dessem High had an interesting way of running classes, although both boys and girls attended the same school they kept them in separate classes. So during class time i would hang out with my female friends and at lunch i would sit with Dylan, Logan and occasionally Mimi, although she tended to hang out with what we called our 'girl group'.

Our girl group had been around since year 7 and is who i hang out with during classes, they're a nice enough crew, just I never truly felt engaged with them but we got along and had enough in common to hang out from time to time. The group consisted of Mimi, Mackenzie, Violet and Eloise. Mackenzie used to be my best friend in year 7 but we grew apart and became interested in different things, in the end she was too protected for me and was too scared to be there for me when i needed her. To this day I still love her, she was one of the sweetest girls i know, like me she had blonde hair and blue eyes. We looked quite a bit alike but she was considerably shorter than me, to her distaste most people thought she was my little sister.

Violet was the 'leader' of the group, I didn't particularly like her, we were fake friends if Im going to be honest. Violet was very fake, she always tried to do things that she had no interest in, only because people she thought were cool was doing it. The one thing I'd give her was she was very pretty, she had a dancer's body, which is probably cause she was one. Violet's hair was chestnut brown and her eyes were hazel.

Eloise was never a big part of my life, she was rather dull really. As mean as I feel saying this she didn't have a lot going for her except her academics in school, which in the generation we were growing up in doesn't account for as much as it used to, as more people are looking for a bit of character behind the intellect. Eloise was a tall girl, pale and very skinny. Her hair was long and mousy brown and her glasses framed her light brown eyes.

Those were the people who inhabited my every day life at Dessem High. I hated it there. During lunch times it was not common for me to have any personal conversations with Dylan, we just weren't close, it was one of those things where there was potential for a good friendship but neither one of us had ever made an effort. This is why it was particularly surprising when the day before the Tailswood fair, Dylan turned to me at the end of lunch and started to do the typical interrogation people get after a hook up, it was just unusual since it was him questioning me. "So what did you think of what happened with you and ash?" he queried. I must have looked startled at first, trying to buy time i swept a lock of my long blonde hair behind my ear."Well I know it was more of a casual thing and didn't have a deeper meaning but I liked the way it made me feel I guess, I now get the big deal surrounding this whole scene i guess." i responded. I didn't want to give to much away to him because I also knew he was quite close with Ash.

Dessem High was across the road from Tailswood college, so naturally the two schools felt competitive towards each other. This increased dramatically by the amount of students transferring from Dessem High to Tailswood college. Tomorrow Ariel was going to introduce me to a whole new world of people, it probably wasn't that many but it felt like that since I knew no one who was going to be there except for Ariel and Ash, also Dylan and Logan were tagging along but they've all met the people at Tailswood College more then me so ill be the one left out.

As I was getting ready for the fair, I left my blonde hair out which is a contrast from how i wear it at school which is high up in a pony tail. I decided to wear a black singlet with my orange shorts, in case it got cold i had my big red hoody to warm me up. It was slightly embarrassing at my age that I wasn't quite fully developed yet, like sure I had my 'time of the month' but I guess things weren't fully grown yet, in fact my chest area never seemed to stop growing. These troubles were probably nothing to be concerned about what so ever as I was only 14 but i guess all I wanted was to feel grown up. It's funny women spend their lives first trying to look and seem older but when they hit a certain age that changes, then all of sudden they do all they can to look and seem younger, isn't that a little depressing, we can barely even be happy with our age. 

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