14. More Like The Moon

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Adelina grasped the soft sheets underneath her as she started to stir

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Adelina grasped the soft sheets underneath her as she started to stir. She jolted straight up in bed her blue eyes going wide as a shock went straight through her body. Memories of what had happened crashed into her and she punched in anger at the blanket underneath her.

She began to get out of bed as her head started to spin. She grabbed the edge to steady herself and her body slipped onto the bed.

'You might not want to move that quickly." A voice came from the doorway.

"Here I brought you breakfast and Malora to make sure you are okay. You passed out yesterday and it would appear you are still weak." Asmund stood at the door and Malora filled in right behind him. She had some equipment in a bag that Adelina had never seen before. Right after she meandered into the room, a quiet man with a tray strode in and placed into on the table. He bowed at Asmund then left through the same small door.

Malora had a smile that Adelina couldn't help but feel drawn to. She seemed sweet and honest, but she wasn't sure if she could trust anyone in this place.

"Are you feeling okay Adelina? We should probably take your vitals and if it is okay, I'm going to check some of your vitamin levels as well. You do need to try and eat more, though. You are quite underweight, although I'm not sure just how much."

Adelina didn't quite know what to say. She just nodded at Malora.

"I'm going to leave you two alone for a bit, but later Falentine has cleared you to see your family. That is, as long as you'll be feeling up to it later." Asmund stated.

Hope swelled into Adelina's chest at the possibility of seeing her family.

"What about Daniel?"

Adelina didn't want to push her luck, but she had to ask. She needed to see him and make sure he was okay. He was, after all, just as much a part of her family, in her heart.

"I will have him brought in with your family. I'll go prepare that now. Eat andlet Malora take your vitals and I will have clothes brought to your room as well."


She shouldn't thank these monsters, but she wanted to be polite. She thought that one wrong move could end up with her or her family being hurt. She couldn't risk that.

Asmund starred into her eyes as a thankful look passed. His heart swelled, but he pushed that down within an instant. He couldn't let this affect him, as it might affect his decisions in the future. He couldn't help himself as he smiled wide to himself. He turned on his heel and strode out of the room without saying another word.

Adelina pulled her leg to the side of the bed and steadied herself as she stood up.

"Are you sure you should be walking? You look quite weak."

"I'm okay. I have to be okay. I need to see my family."

Adelina let her eyes drift and meet Malora's eyes. A look of understanding passed and Malora nodded kindly in her direction.

"I suggest you eat first. I'll worry about taking your vitals here in a second. We will have to draw a tiny bit of blood too as I talked about earlier. Nothing to worry about. I just want to check your iron as well as a few other levels. I'll sit with you, if you don't mind, and keep you company while you eat. Okay?"

"Yes. That is fine."

Silence drifted into the room. Adelina picked at the salad that was on the food tray first. Her stomach had shrunk in the last few weeks, which was obvious to her. But she still tried to finish the salad. She grasped at the strawberries provided on the plate and stuffed a few of them in her mouth as well.

"We will have to work on getting you back to a normal eating routine." Malora stated simply, breaking the silence in the room.

"I know." Adelina was unsure of what else to say. The obvious had already been stated and she knew.

She finished as much as she could and laid the tray back on the table next to her bed.

Malora reached into her bag and grabbed at a stethoscope first. Adelina shivered as the cold metal touched her chest.

"Take a deep breath for me... Okay I think everything sounds good with your heart and lungs. Let me check your blood pressure."

Malora pulled out a small blue cuff with Velcro on it and placed it onto Adelina's small arms. She aired it up and put the stethoscope up to her arm.

"Seems like your blood pressure is a little low. We will get that all taken care of. Here I'm going to take some blood real quick and you'll be good to get dressed. I'll let Asmund know that you should be good to see your family."

Tears swelled into Adelinas eyes and she felt her heart sputter from the excitement. She barely felt the pinch of the needle that Malora used for blood. Malora had gotten up and started to exit the room.

"Thank you Malora."

"I'm here if you ever need to talk okay?"

Adelina smiled and nodded and she listened as the door slammed behind Malora. She ran up out of bed and into the bathroom, grabbing the clothes. She pulled off the white clothes she had on from yesterday and rushed into the ones provided. She gave herself a quick look in the mirror before she turned and exited.

Asmund had been waiting for her at the doorway and her heart felt like it was going to leap out of her chest. She was very excited to see her family and Daniel.

"Ready?" Asmund asked.

"More than ever."

Asmund turned around and Adelina followed him out of the room. They follow down a long hallway where a stairwell leads underground. A few demon's guarded the door. Adelina walked right past them, too excited to let anything scare her. As they go through another set of doors Adelina was hit with an awful stench. The smell of unbathed bodies and filth made its way into her nose and she held back a gag in the back of her mouth.

"Here. This will help for now." Asmund handed her a mouth cover that she attached to the back of her head.

"This is where we keep most of our prisoners." He stated as they entered into another locked door and that was when she saw all the bars and cages. She had never seen anything quite as inhumane and awful as this.

"Help us............"
"Please don't leave us down here..."

People in the cages begged and pleaded with them. They reached for Adelina grasping at her clothes. Her heart sank in her chest.

"Is my family really being kept in this awful place? Why would you keep him down here like this? They haven't done anything to you." She knew she shouldn't have said anything but how could she ignore something as awful as this?

Asmund stayed silent. He wasn't sure how to answer her. He led her into one more set of doors. As they stepped into the room he heard her gasp next to him and her frail body shivered underneath his grasp.

"Daniel! What have they done to you?" Adelina cried as she flung herself towards the cage.

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