Chapter Seven

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(Mitch's POV)

I woke up in my bed a bit confused on how I got there I guess Avi carried me in here. I had a bad stomach ache and I felt freezing. Oh no I better not be sick I quickly got up I went to my bath room and got the thermometer out of the medicine cabinet. 100 degrees great well I guess I'm sick great I then went and got back into bed. While in bed I figured I would turn on the TV. Then I looked down at my phone and realized I had a text from Scott.

Scott: hey went out with Alex I don't know when I will be back.

Great I guess not only am I stuck home sick I am stuck home alone and sick. I sat there for a while watching some movie I found on Netflix after a while I decided to text Avi since I had nothing better to do and I kind of missed him.

Mitch: hey babe what's up 

Avi: just having breakfast with Kevin what's up with you

Mitch: Oh well you know being sick and all that fun stuff

Avi: oh know that's terrible don't worry I will be the in ten minutes I love you

Mitch: no don't I don't want to get you sick just stay at your apartment

Avi: to late come open your door please

     Wow okay I guess this is happening. I got up to answer the door and saw Avi standing there holding a grocery bag "sorry I would have been here earlier but I had to stop at the store to pick some stuff up some cold medicine, soups, and some other odds and ends. Shall we watch movies in your room and cuddle." Wow I was a little over whelmed "um ya that sounds good" Avi sat the soups and other foods he had bought one the kitchen counter and we walked back to my room he sat the medicine and tissues on my night stand. "What movie do you want to watch and do you want me to make you some soup" "ya sure that sounds good and how about the lion king or some other Disney movie" "that sounds good I will be back" after Avi left the room I jumped onto the bed and looked for the lion king on Netflix. By the time he came back into the room I had finally found it he handed me my soup then sent to the bath room and changed into some sweatpants and crawled into bed with me I ate my soup and we watched a bunch of Disney movies when all of a sudden I felt really sick to my stomach worse than before then I knew what was about to happen. I quickly got out of the bed and ran to the toilet and unfortunately threw up all the soup I had eaten earlier. I spent the next 20 minutes in the bathroom waiting to through up but I only did a couple of times. After that I crawled back into bed and Avi called and made me a doctors appointment. At the appointment they basically told me I had a cold and gave me some antibiotics. I'm so glad I have Avi to take care of me I don't know what I would do with out him.


( A/N: let me know if you guys have any suggestions for the next chapter for reals)

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