Chapter 3 - finding out answers Harry's POV

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Chapter 3 – finding out answers. (Harry’s POV)

We all dived into the black SUV while Bree took the driver’s seat. She drove around to the back of the building where we saw the waiter stumble out; fumbling with his keys and entering a green Volvo. We watched as he started up his car and drove off; Bree followed the Volvo quickly.

“Why did the Head of security and the queen need you three to come to America?” Liam asked the girls. Niall, Zayn and Louis still seemed to be in shock with what just happened while Liam and I were the only ones’ that was now recovered.

“For a friend of ours called Zara and Charlotte.” Alison said.

“WHAT?! You mean to say that this is all PERSONAL?” I asked them with anger and disbelief.

“It is personal when one of them is the queen’s granddaughter and the other is the Head of security’s niece.” Bree replied. We sat in stunned silence. Princess Zara and her best friend Charlotte….How the heck are they involved with this?

“Princess Zara and Charlotte got into coke at a party and now….” Katy said.

“Now the queen and head of security want it shut down” Liam said wisely.

“From top to bottom” Alison confirmed.

All five of us looked at each other in disbelief. We got ourselves into something bad but we can’t get out of it anyway! I glanced at the three girls who gave a small smirk as they notice the green car stop outside another building.

“Keep holding that box” Katy warned us and we followed them into the building.

“We need you five to cover for us. WE don’t want any guys crawling up our asses” Alison said; handing us each a gun.

“Whoa! I am NOT using this stuff!” We insisted. The girls gave us looks of disbelief.

“Alison and Katy, you both go up ahead. I’ll babysit this group of boys” Bree groaned.

“Hold on a second! We’re older than you” Liam hissed into Bree’s ear.

“Yeah but you’re not acting like it” Bree snapped at him.

Alison and Katy gave a soft laugh before silently running up the stairs; with guns in their hands. We head a few yells and a thud and few shot before Bree told us to get moving. We walking up the stairs slowly before we leapt to the side as two dead men rolled down the stairs. As we continued to walk up; we noticed a few more men, lying on the ground dead.

“They can never go through one mission without killing someone!” Bree muttered to herself under her breath.

“How many people have you killed now?” I asked Alison as we caught up with them. Alison shrugged, not bothering to reply. We walked into a huge room where the waiter was on his knees, terrified as we walked in.

The man was sitting in his chair and the three girls walked up to him and smiled before placing a gun to his forehead. The Asian man kept his face emotionless but you could still see the underline of fear in his eyes. Katy began to speak Chinese to him while Bree translated for us.

“Give me the details of your suppliers and I won’t put a bullet through your head!” Bree whispered to us; keeping her eyes and gun trained on the Asian man in front of us.

The man said something in reply to Katy with a slight smirk on his face but Katy held no emotions on her face and pulled the trigger. The bullet missed the man by mere millimetres but it still managed to make him looked shocked as Katy reloaded her gun.

Love from Alison, Bree and KatyWhere stories live. Discover now