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America's POV.:

"WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BEAUTIFUL HOUSE?!" I shrieked. DC just looked like she was about to go on a rampage.

"Uh....Well....Um...." New Hampshire started while looking any where, but at me or DC.

"We kinda..." Florida trailed off.

"You kinda what?" I asked with a raised eyebrow while taping my foot on the ground in irritation.

"It was all Georgia's fault!" New York shouted all of a sudden.

"Oh hush Yankee! And you were the one who was callin' me a slave state!" Georgia retorted.

"Will both y'all just shut the hell up?!" Texas asked the 2 bickering states.

"Yes sir" the 2 states mumbled in unison.

I rubbed my temples with my fingers in frustration. Why does this always happen? I looked over to DC signaling her that she could take care of all the mess while I fill out some papers. Woopdie fuckindo.

"ALL OF YOU CLEAN THIS MESS UP AN ADTER YOUR DONE GO TO THE LIVING ROOM AND WE'LL HAVE A CHAT! OKAY?!" DC asked the now frightened states. The states just replied with a 'yes', 'yes ma'am', or just a simple nod of there head. "NOW GO!" The states didn't have too be told twice that's for sure.

I just sighed and headed up to my office.

Georgia's POV.:

After DC's instructions we all headed into the dining room to give everyone there jobs on what to do.

"Okay so Dakotas, Carolinas, and Virginias will fix tup the attic" I ordered.

"Texas and his states, New Mex, Colorado, Ari, and U, will clean up the back yard and make sure everything's in order there, okay?" The names states just nodded and headed off.

"Okay, Kansas, Ark, Neb, Iowa, Indiana, Illinois, Wy, Oklahoma, and Ohio get the second floor." With that they were off.

"Cali, Nevada, Wash, and Oregon are all going into the living room" I ordered the western states.

"Hawaii and Alaska, you two will calm down DC" the two youngest states nodded ad scrambled off to find there big sister.

"Vermont, Maine, Conneticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, Missouri, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Massachusetts, and Michigan will take the 1st floor" those states headed off into different directions.

"Idaho, Montana, Louisiana, and Florida you guys get the bathrooms" I told the 4 states.

"But I'm too beautiful too clean filthy toilets" Louisiana whined while being dragged away by Florida.

"York, Penny, Kentucky, Delaware, Tennessee, and Jersey you guys get the basement and movie room" New York and Pennsylvania jumped with glee about going to the movie room while the other states groaned in annoyance.

"Miss, Alabama, Maryland, and I will clean the kitchen and dining room" I finished while shooing the rest of the states who were still in the room off.

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