Chapter One! (Dan's P.O.V)

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I was scrolling through my Facebook, and looking at pictures and shit, aimlessly.

I'm bored as all hell, so this is apparently the way to cure my boredom.

Well, it doesn't really cure my boredom, but hey, it's giving me something to do.

I haven't really checked my messages for awhile. I had a few, so I might as well check out who messaged me, and such.

I clicked onto the message, and looked through who messaged me.






Who the fuck is John?

His full name was John Howard.

But seriously... Who the fuck is John Howard?

I clicked onto John's message, then the chat box popped up.

John Howard- Hello!

Mhmm... Should I reply, or should I not reply?

Me- Don't mean to be a bitch, but um, who the fuck are you?


John Howard- I randomly found you and I just kinda messaged you. You seemed really cool. I mean, drummers are cool, and you're in a band, y'get me?


John Howard- You're also kinda cute... I won't lie.


This guy is flirting with me.

The fuck, man?

I mean, this guy just messaged me out of the blue, and I just noticed the message. I think it's kind of too damn early to be flirting with me.

Me- Err, um, thank you?


John Howard- I didn't creep you out, right???


Me- Uh, you kinda did... xD


John Howard- Wait shit, I'm sorry. I was trying to be nice, I guess...


Me- It's alright, man. Look, I gotta go.


I didn't really have to go, I just felt like going. I feel all awkward and shit, talking to this guy. I never met the dude, so...


John Howard- You'll message me later, right?


Should I, or should I not?


Me- Um, we will see. I don't really use my Facebook.


It was half true, and half a lie. I mean, I really don't use my Facebook, all that much, yes. But I won't message John again, I don't think.


John Howard- Well, I hope you message me again. I wanna get to know you. ;)


What a creep...


Me- Okay... Bye.


John Howard- I'll talk to you, later.


As soon as I got the last message from John, I immediately click off of my Facebook, and I immediately just close my laptop.

That was a uh... Interesting conversation.


~1 P.M, Starbucks Café~

I was chilling with my buddies, Jeph, Quinn, and Bert. We were discussing many things. The next band practice, y'know, that important shit.

The Used just got finished with their last band practice. It went pretty damn good, if I do say so, myself.

It kept my mind off of the John Howard guy. But now that I just brought him up, he just came back to my mind.

"Hey, do any of you know a guy named John Howard?" I ask the guys.

"John Howard?" Quinn asks.

"Mhmm... You know him?" I ask.

"No. Why?" Quinn asks.

"The dude messaged me on my Facebook, that's why." I say, then sigh.

Jeph looked at me, with an emotionless expression, then his eyes moved down, and he just stared at the table.

"Dude, what if this guy is some 50 year old pervert who is a fucking rap-" Bert starts off, then Quinn covers Bert's mouth.

"Shhh..... He is right, though, Dan. Be fucking careful. There's many catfishes out there." Quinn said.

"Please define what a 'catfish' is?" Jeph says, with a slightly pissy tone to his voice.

"A catfish is someone on the internet who pretends to be someone they're not, on the interwebs. For example..." Quinn starts off, then he clears his throat. "Oh... My... God... Becky! I was like, dating like, this guy on Facebook, and like, I thought he was like, nineteen, but like, he was actually fifty! Like, what the hell!" Quinn yells out, in a dramatic, high pitched, feminine voice.

Bert and I laughed at Quinn, and Jeph said nothing. Jeph was just emotionless.

"Nice example." I say, then laugh.

"Thank you, thank you. I'm fucking amazing, I know." Quinn says, then he laughs.

After that, Jeph got up, and left, unexpectedly.

That's odd.

...Pretty odd.


Would have been longer, sorry. ._.


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