Chapter Five- Dan's P.O.V

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It has been a few days ago ever since Jeph has admitted to being John Howard, and it has also been a few days ago since I kissed Jeph, too.

Lately, I have been avoiding Jeph, although. I am still trying to get all my feelings and that shit, all sorted out.

Things are so complicated. Y'know?

I mean, my feelings. Part of me is upset with the fact that Jeph lied to me, and made a fake Facebook just to talk to me, when he could have quite literally just talked to me, face to face.

Did he feel scared I was gonna judge him, or something? Was he just scared to talk to me, in general?

Jeph should know by now that I wouldn't judge him for a single goddamn thing. I just wish Jeph would have been straight up, with me.

Anyway, back to the whole entire point.

The other half of me thinks that Jeph making a fake Facebook account to just get to me, and talk to me, is pretty adorable, though. No one has ever been that crazy for me, to do that, before.

Then lastly...

There's that other half of me that is tempting to ask Jeph to be mine. Because I will be completely honest, I have always had a thing for Jeph. I think Jeph is one of the cutest guys ever. Well, that is my personal opinion.

I have known Jeph since we were just kids, and we have always been the best of friends. Jeph was that one person you meet, that you find super special. You get me?

When I was... About fourteen, that was when I have came to the sudden realization that I had a crush, on Jeph.

That was also the time I realized I liked cock, too.

Oh... Sweet memories. Sweet memories.

I should seriously just stop being a fucking pussy, and just ask Jeph out!

I mean, if you want something in life, you gotta chase after it! I mean, that's the only fucking way you'll get something in life, right? To chase after something, and to try so hard to get whatever you're chasing?

That fucking decides it.

I grabbed onto my phone, quickly, and I open up my Facebook.


Me: You wanna go out with me, tonight?


John Howard: You don't have to message this account anymore, y'know. I mean, it kind of embarrasses me.


I message that account because I like to message that account.


Me: Yeah, whatever! Do you wanna go out with me to Starbucks at five, yes or no!?


John Howard: I guess... I got nothing better to do.


Me: Good! Be on fucking time!


I get off of my Facebook, and sit here, and wonder if this was even a good idea.

Was this a good idea?


~5 P.M, Starbucks.

I sat in a booth, with my coffee, waiting impatiently for Jeph to arrive. I tap my fingers onto the table, to a melody to some Three Days Grace song that I can't remember the name to, and just... Keep on waiting.

Why the medieval fuck does Jeph have to be so motherfucking slow?

Well speak of the devil, look who just walked into the room.

It was Jeph. Jeph looked all around the room, for me, so I put up my hand, so Jeph could spot me, easily.

Jeph finally noticed me, then he immediately took a seat.

"Want a green tea?" I ask.

"Doesn't sound too bad." Jeph answered.

I pulled out my wallet, and I handed Jeph a five dollar bill.

"But I could---" Jeph starts off, but I cut him off.

"No. I asked you to come to Starbucks with me, so therefore, I am paying for you. No ands, ifs or buts." I said, firmly.

Jeph let out a defeated sigh, then he snatched the five dollar bill from my hands.

Jeph came back, awhile later, with a green tea.

"Want some Jeph piss?" Jeph asks.

I laugh, then awkward silence fills the atmosphere. All Jeph and I did, was stare aimlessly, at each other.

Jeph and I both are still in that awkward place.

"So why did you ask me to come here?" Jeph asks, out of the blue. "I mean... I don't mind, I don't care... But, I am just curious." Jeph clarifies.

"I just wanted to hang out with my bitch." I said, bluntly.

Jeph laughed, then the air once again, became awkward.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" I ask, out of the blue.

After I realized what I just asked, I put a hand, over my mouth.

"I-I mean......" I mutter, stuttering out my words.

"You're serious? Or is this a sick fucking joke for getting back at me for making that fake account?" Jeph asks, coldly.

The smile on my face, immediately dropped.

"I...I was actually asking...if you'd be my boyfriend..." I mutter.

Jeph looked at me, wide eyed, in pure shock.

"I mean, I do love you, too, and I have always loved you since forever. So..." I mutter.

"Well, no." Jeph said.

That fucking hurt.

"W-Why?" I ask.

"...I was joking. Of course I'll be yours." Jeph said, then smiled.

That gave me a fucking heart attack.

I leaned over, across the table, then Jeph, did, too. I filled in the gap, by crashing my lips, into mine.

It feels good to have Jeph's lips, on mine, again.

I think I made the right choice, by asking Jeph out.

"I love you." I said, then smile.

"I love you too, asshole." Jeph said, then smirks, at me.


Aye sorry this was short!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2015 ⏰

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