Part 2:

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When Angel started rolling with Tre' and Brittany, everybody already knew not to mess with her. Tre' and Brittany were brother and sister, they had a mean history. Their parents were drug dealers and they had lots of money. Got anything they wanted, to be honest. Little did they know, Angel was dangerous herself. She came from the hood, and her family was wealthy and pretty well-known back in Nevada. At school on the following day, Chris, a senior football player, introduced himself to Angel. They started rapping and of course, he tried to make her his "baby". Chris and his gang invited Angel and Brittany to a party on the upcoming Saturday night, on Bourbon Street. They accepted the invite. They planned their attire and "moves" all week until Saturday finally came. Angel was excited because she was really feeling Chris, little did she know, Chris had a baby mama, Shonda, and a little girl, Sabrina.

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