Dr. Who?

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My soul screams in it's death throws

As loss washes over me like an ocean. 

The gulf between us has widened

And our hands can no longer touch. 

We are in divergent planes of existence

And soon will be only shadows to one another

My heart weeps as blood leaks out of my eyes

"but you're the doctor" you scream at me

And I know that fixed points of time can't be changed

What we had was special and amazing

And utterly unforgettable and even

The doctor can't fix this brokenness.

"I've lost another companion."

At least she is alive.

She will be happy and will find her place among the stars

And the doctor will move on because that's what doctors do.

But the doctor knows, deep in his hearts, that there will

never be another companion like this one.

She is the one who whispered his name in the dark when love

was a physical thing.

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