Chapter 27

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(Thomas POV)

My phone rings as I groan. Getting up and rubbing my eyes. Why would someone call me at 12am? I sigh and pick it up.



It's Newt. His voice sounds broken and shaky. I feel a sick feeling inside as I sit up.

"Help me.."
"Where are you?" I pull on a coat,a pair of jeans and my shoes.
"I don't know where I am.."
"Newt why are you whispering?"
"Because I think Theo's in here with me..."

The phone feels like it breaks as I slip it in my pocket.

"Teresa! Teresa!" I yell as she runs in.
"Tom,what's wrong?"
"It's Newt. Let's go!"

(Newt POV)

I pant heavily. My wrists were tied as someone shuffles,I suck in a breath to see a girl. Blonde hair with pale skin.

"You're here too," she whispers. As if it's completely normal "Theo told me he'd make my suffering all go away,"
"I know you.." I choke out "From somewhere,"
She smiles pitifully and shakes her hand "I know you Newt. Trust me I do,"
"What's your name?" I ask,trying to stay calm.
She doesn't seem to care about that question but still starts to talk,her eyes locking on mine "You know I never knew what I looked like during a seizure until your friends took a video of me and put it online. It happened in class. I starting seizing in my desk and everyone was saying they should but something in my mouth until some genius raised the card on my key ring which tells them not to because it could break my teeth!" She pants and looks down "My names Erica. Remember me now?"

"How come I didn't know how you were treated?" I whisper.
"So many reasons Newt," she mutters as she plays with her hair "I used to have the worst crush in the world on you. Yes you,even though you're not into girls. But you never even noticed me to say hello,"
"I'm sorry.."
"I'm on Theo's side now,"
"Erica,you can't go around destroying people?"
"I'll destroy whoever hurt me before. It's a two-way street,"
"It'll be okay. Just don't surrender yourself to him-"

The door opens and Theo walks through with a smirk on his face.

"Wanna finish that sentence Newt?" He snaps.

"No," I whisper.
"Good. Now,I thought you two deserved some punishment,"
"No.." I whisper as he kicks Erica who falls down panting "Theo stop! Don't hurt her. You can hurt me,"

(Thomas POV)

"Where the hell could he be?" I yell as I pace around my room,Teresa follows me. We run down to the car,not saying a word as I start to drive nowhere. As fast as I can. I keep my eyes on the road,fists clenched around the wheel.

"We'll find him," Teresa chokes out. I nod rapidly in response as her voice breaks out again "Tom,stop the car!"

It lurches to a haunt as we run out,pacing towards a red hoodie on the ground. I pick it up and slowly break it in.

"It's Newt," I whisper.

(Newt POV)

I watch as Theo clanks chains around Erica's thin and pale wrists,the tears stream down her face as she begs for freedom.

"Don't hurt her," I beg "Please,"
"What if I do?" Theo demands "You some some of superhero going to save her?"

"Yes. I'm batman!" I hiss,the only superhero I could think off. So I just groan as I yank on the chains holding me back

"I'll do anything," I whimper.

"I know you will. For your friends?"
He smirks and kicks my wrists "You used to be the smartest person I knew Newt. Such a shame it can't save you now,"
"You care about me Theo. You're not a monster. When I met you,you became my friend. We trusted each other,we can be like that again. I'm begging you,"

"Newt," he pants and shakes his head "I can't stop this,"
"Yes you can."
"But I don't want to,"

He grabs my neck and squeezes it tight. My mind feels like it's slipping away as all I can hear is Erica's screams for help. It was getting harder and harder to breathe as his fingers let go. There was a feel red wound left there. The pain stings as he yanks us both up by strands of our hair to a plain grey room. Where in the middle were two tubs to frozen water filled with ice. I was speeches as we're ordered to stand in. The water spilling up to my knees as we're pushed down.

I had read once that drowning in some ways was peaceful if you let yourself go. Truth was I didn't need to water to feel like I was drowning anymore,I just had to relax. Was this it?
I also remember those words "Sometimes you need to stop fighting to stop drowning."

For my friends.

(Minho POV)

The rain pours down as I keep my hood up. I had no money to go and find Brenda. I had nothing.

I sit myself down under the bus shelter as a vision appears in my head-

I sit there alone listening to music as someone sits beside me. She lowers her sunglasses and I see it's Brenda. But I shake my head and roll my eyes. This was the day I met her. I remember the exact moment.

"Hi," she holds out her hand "I'm Brenda."
"Minho," I shake it and sigh.
"What are you listening to?"
"If you could be more exact,"
I ignore her.
"Minho.. I'm just trying to make friends,"
"I don't need friends,"
"You've got me,"
"Don't lie to me,Brenda,"
"I swear,"

Her eyes lock on mine as I feel a sense of warmth and security.



I jump out of this trance as I see a bunch of the older boys in my year standing there,smirking.

"Move!" One yells.
"Why?" I mumble.

The boy grabs me and locks my eyes on his as he speaks through gritted teeth "Move out the bloody way Minho or I'll make sure you won't have a good senior future,"
"Just not as big as your GPA then?" I spit back as he punches me in the nose. Shoving me down as they kick at me. It hurt but some part of me didn't care at all about the pain.

"Stop it now!" A girls voice yells but they don't stop "I said stop it!"

The boys pull away as Harriet walks up to them. My eyes widen as I scramble back.

"What the hell?" She demands at them "What's he ever done to you? Get outta here lads!"

They all run as she holds out her hand and pulls me up. Dusting me down.
"Rough night huh?"

I shrug "Guess so,"
She just smiles "You'll live Minho,"
I roll my eyes "I figured that,"
"Wanna get some coffee?"

We walk to a small store as we sit opposite in the warmth,I sigh and curl up against the leather of the couch.

"I heard you're failing your classes," she states.
"Yes,that's true," I sigh.
"Don't worry. You'll get there,"
"Of course."
"Why are you being nice to me Harriet?"
"I thought you could use a friend,"

So here I was with a beautiful girl who's willing to tutor and be my friend. Not only a girl I once had an insane crush on,she's popular and sexy. Perfect right? There's only one problem.

"You're not her. You never could be her,"

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