New book??

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Hey guys. Sorry I'm posting this here .-. But I want to ask you guys a question.

So first, let me explain.

We have this assignment in English class where we have to write a short story. My story won't be so short, but I'm going to try to condense it for the sake of the assignment. I thought of posting an elongated version of the story here, though. As a new book. It's called Gemstones. It's about two wolves by the name of Kandie and Blackie or Black Diamond (Black Diamond is his full name). Black Diamond has a large crush on Kandie, but she doesn't know it (partly BC she's bubbly and ignorant lololol). So, they find this blue gem while wandering through the forest. Blackie keeps it a secret because he wants to turn the gem into a necklace to give to Kandie as a gift. So yadayadayada he does that then Klara, Kandie's best friend is like NO. Don't wear that the necklace is danger. So she tells them both about the legend about these stones and how there's like five of them and all of them together create a powerful being that wants to destroy everything. So that's bad.

Later Klara's friend Kade comes into the picture and for some stupid reason Kandie wants to venture for the 4 remaining gems and Kade volunteers to help. Things happen (you'll have to find out maybe and I'm too lazy to type it all out lol) and the being is summoned and yep. Things happen.

So is this something that you guys would be interested in reading?? If it's not I won't take the time to type it all out. If you are then I'll definitely make it a thing. It would also include digital drawings of a scene in each chapter. Another question. Do you guys want me to keep New Neighbor going? Because I was planning on keeping NN and doing this as well. I'd still update both. But, if you guys don't want NN then I can discontinue it and maybe replace it with this, or a totally different story. So, tell me what you guys want so I can make my decisions :)

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