Meeting Ateela & Narute

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Amber had finally gotten her senses back when the reynard who had brought her into the den brought her a juicy rabbit.

The savory aromas had hit her nostrils and her mouth watered. She smacked her lips and bit into the rabbit, glad to have something in her stomach. When the rabbit had turned to nothing but bone and fur she stood, ready to go outside, ready to face the world.

She stood on her white legs, ready to go outside. Her black eyes fluttered around the the the busy area.

Foxes were bustling everywhere. Foxes were leaving and entering the camp, those who entered had a piece of prey. One fox was dragging a carcass of something with light brown fur, as he dragged other foxes helped him drag the hunk of meat.

But something interrupted the bustle, a loud shrieking gekker. Amber jumped, startled from the sudden sound. Other foxes were startled too, even the reynord dragging the meat dropped the piece to jump and face the gekker.

Amber saw on the top pile of the rocks she saw Teeko. Her brilliant red fur shining in the sun.

"I pardon the interruption to your assignments, but I have an announcement!"

After a moment of silence there was ripple of sound from the crowd of foxes, "Yes, Mage,"

Teeko nodded and began speaking again.

"Last night, when the weather was bitter cold, I lead a Patrol through the forest, hoping to find a trace of food for our only Nursing fox, we found a cub. Her mother abandoned her, this will be her new home. Tomorrow I will begin teaching her the ways of Treshing,"

The was an astonished murmur throughout the crowd. Then from the whispering of foxes a reynord shouted, challenging.

"What do you think she is the fox to learn Treshing? Have you felt her maa?" the reynard's voice rang of youth.

"Indeed, Kaleve. I even spoke to her this morning. Her maa is strong. I will teach her the ways of Treshing," Teeko nodded, dismissing the meeting, "you may return to your activities,"

Foxes whispered and spoke for a second and then went back doing whatever they were doing before the Meeting. Amber's mouth watered when she smelt the hunk of meat being dragged to the Center of the camp.

Amber shook her head, You've already eaten, also you should talk to Teeko, Amber thought to herself.

She rose from her haunches and trotted to where she had seen Teeko's bright red pelt disappear. It had been the den under the rocks.

Amber weaved through the foxes, she made her way to Teeko's den. She took another gulp of air and dove in.

"Amber?" Teeko sounded surprised, "I didn't expect you to come and talk to me so soon,"

"Well, I have a few questions if I am going to do this Treshing thingy," Amber's voice had a final tone to it.

"Ask away, Fox-ka," Teeko sat down, waiting to answer any question.

"Well first, what is Treshing?"

"Treshing is the art of magic. There is only a fox who knows the skill of Treshing, except their Apprentice of course,"

Amber wanted to ask more about that subject but she had other important questions, "What is maa?"
"Maa is the life source of a fox. I will teach more to you when you begin your Training," Teeko answered., "now, if you are going to be Leader some day you must get on the better side of these foxes. Why not bring a piece of prey to Sesya, she is our only Nursing vixen. I didn't get any food to her last night,"

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