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[Luce's POV:]

"This is scary," said Michelle as she sat in the chair that I took from the dinner table and put in my bedroom. "Like, what if something goes wrong and I end up looking like an Oompa Loompa?! Now that's a disaster!"

"Chelle, you can't look like an Oompa Loompa. This isn't even the scariest part of your make over." I said as I started to put the blue hair dye in her naturally blonde hair. "Besides, this is blue hair dye, not green."

"Why'd you take my glasses, Katelyn? I can't see!" Ashleigh yelled as she tried to chase Katelyn down the hall, but ran into the wall.

"Because I have something for you!" Katelyn exclaimed.

"It better be my glasses. Because if I run into one more wall, I'm going to somehow tackle you!" Ashleigh said and Katelyn laughed a bit.

"Oh, the struggles of becoming a female 5SOS." I said with a laugh as I washed my hands.

"At least we have the personalities already. No need to fucking fake that." Michelle said.

"Don't curse, Michelle!" Ashleigh yelled. "Ow! Damn it, Katelyn you almost poked my eyeball out!"

"If you would be still, putting these contacts in wouldn't risk your eyeballs being gouged out." Katelyn said.

"That's why you took my glasses? So you could give me contacts? Nope, no way I'm wearing contacts." Ashleigh said and crossed her arms.

Five minutes and a cat fight later, Katelyn was able to put both contacts in Ashleigh's eyes. Also, Michelle's hair dye was finally set. I washed her hair and smiled when I saw how pretty her blue hair was.

"Maybe this isn't so bad." Michelle said and I nodded.

"Yeah. The hair dye is great. Am I going to have to somehow put you to sleep before we go to the tattoo parlor?" I said and she nearly screamed.

"But.. Needles. No way. No tattoos for me." She said.

Thirty minutes later, I was able to talk her into it. She got the same tattoos that Michael has on his arm, and even got her eyebrow pierced. Ashleigh got the symbol that I'd created for our band tattooed on her wrist, Katelyn got a couple of tattoos like Calum's and I got my lip pierced. The tattoo artist automatically knew what we were up to, and he was impressed. He said he'd never thought someone would do what we were doing. We're trying to be a female version of 5 Seconds Of Summer. I know it's lame, but our names and personalities already matches theirs, and we can sing and play instruments, plus we got bored, so why not? The only problem with me is that my personality matched Luke's, but my name didn't. So instead of going by Autumn, I go by Luce. Not Lucille or Lucy, just Luce.

"I... hate... needles." Michelle muttered as we got in the car.

"But you did it. You got a tattoo and two piercings. I'm proud of you." I said and she smiled a bit. Even though Michael only has his ears and eyebrow pierced, Michelle also got her belly button pierced, just to add a bit of girly flare to the whole thing.

"How are we even supposed to get the band started?" Katelyn asked and leaned forward to prop on the back of my dear.

"Summer Avenue will start just like 5 Seconds Of Summer did. YouTube." I said.

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