Chapter 3

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Sadie's Pov
I woke up Monday morning and got dressed and did my hair and make up. I had on a blue flannel and black jeggings with black flats. My hair was wavy so I braided it then I put on lip gloss and eyeliner nothing serious I don't really care for makeup.

I ran down stairs and quickly ate breakfast. "Bye mom love you I'll be home after school" "bye sweetie have a nice day" after that I walked to Carly's house and yelled her name "CARLY HURRY YOUR ASS UP" I run upstairs and as I'm doing so I bump into Mason and we both fall me being onto of him.

"H-hey I'm so so sorry I was paying attention omg I'm so clumsy" he starts laughing and I just stare at him "it's ok Sadie I don't mind but can you get up so I can go to school or what" he smiles at me as I stand up and walk past him towards Carly who saw everything "bye Mason" I say shyly with a blush on my cheeks as Carly pulls me outside and to her car.

As we drive to school Carly immediately starts talking about how cute we looked together "omg y'all look nice together his hands on your waist your hands on his chest" I roll my eyes "Carly why do you want us together so bad why does this not bother you" "Because I don't like the girls my brother dates but if he dates you than you could be my sister in law" "Carly we are in high school we aren't getting married" "can't blame me for thinking things"

We finally get to school and head to first hour. After four classes and lunch I walk to my fifth hour class, the class I have with Mason. I sit in my seat and wait for class to start but guess what his seat is the one next to mine. This class is chemistry and Mr. Markus tells us that the person next to us are our partners so I turn to Mason to see him smiling.

Mason's Pov
"Looks like we're partners for this week" Sadie says I nod and wait for the teacher to tells us what to do. I can't stop smiling though because there are rare times when I can sit and talk to sadie just me and her. I can see my girlfriend glaring at Sadie and me from across the room but right now I don't care I'm thinking of breaking up with her today.

Once Mr Markus tells us what to do Sadie starts working  and I help her with the project. "So Sadie what has happened since this morning" she continues to pour the different liquids as she talks "well I have an essay to do and four pages of math I need to do but besides that nothing what has happened to you"

I tell her the next acid to add to the container then say "nothing except the fact that I tried out for soccer but i might not get in" "well I hope you make it" I smile at her "thanks" she nods then says "we're finished what now the class doesn't end for another 15 minutes" I shrug "we can talk for 15 minutes" "sure" "I heard your sister is coming back tonight" she smiles "yeah she is I'm super excited I've missed her" "what are you guys gonna do once she's here" "probably watch movies and talk about things that have happened"

Sadie's Pov
I walked was walking towards my locker after 7th hour and put all my books except math and literature away, then closed it and ran towards the front of the school waiting for my sisters car. When I hear Carly yell and Mason's laugh.

"SADIE WOODS WHY DIDNT YOU WAIT FOR ME" I turn around to see Mason, his girlfriend and Carly walking towards me. "I'm waiting for Johanna to pick me up sorry babe" Carly hugged me and said "it's alright babe" yes we call each other babe, but only because we have always been best-friends since we were born we stayed together.

Mason laughed and said "where's my hug I had to be dragged over here by her" he then pulled the puppy dog eyes so I hugged him laughing. "There you g- YAY SHES HERE" I saw my sister park and run towards me. "SADIE" "JOHANNA" we run and I jump into her arms hugging her while wrapping my legs around her so she has to carry me "I missed you" "I missed you to know get off" "no carry me plz Johanna" "UGHHH fine" she walks over toward Carly and Mason with krista next to him.

She puts me down and hugs Carly then Mason. "I missed you all" . Krista is a jealous kind of girl so me and Johanna hugging Mason bothers her ... A lot. "I know y'all are friends but I would like it if you could keep your hands off him" Mason stays silent as Carly starts to talk.

"Look Krista Johanna and Sadie are his friends and if they want to hug him they can hug him you can't tell them not to" krista also hates being told what to do and she hates Carly so this pisses her off more "Look Carly I'm his girlfriend and if I'm uncomfortable then I will tell them what I want to so back off Bitch"

I get mad and stand in front of Carly "Look whore don't call Carly a bitch because all she is doing is stating the truth you can't tell us what to do so stop trying" "bye Mason" all three of us say as I grab Carly and Johanna's hands and drag them to the car.
Longest chapter so far. And know you get to see a little of Mason's girlfriend attitude I might publish chapter four today or I might wait till tomorrow I'm not sure!
Talk to y'all later ~S

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