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(The Next Day)

I woke up feeling every bruise on my body. I got outta bed wincing in pain while limping to the bathroom to take a shower.

While taking my clothes off in the mirror I inspected myself to see if anything was broken and to decide whether or not if I needed to wear a jacket to cover the bruises and it turns out I did.

After I got outta the shower I put on a pair of light blue skinny jeans with a yellow t-shirt that says, "Bite Me". Then I put on my favorite black and purple jacket while adding some make-up to my face. I mainly just put concealer on to hide the bruises on my face, then I add a little mascara and some eyeliner. When i'm finally done I put on my black converse and grab my bag and check and see if my mom is awake.

While walking dowstairs I see my mom passed out on the couch from last night. I quickly tip toed over to the door and hurriedly walked out and shut the door soft enough so that my mom won't wake up and beat me again.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~(While Walking To First Period)~~~~~~~~~~~~~

While I was walking down the hallways someone bumped into me while I was looking down and when I looked up I see the schools biggest jock staring at me while all the popular kids were laughing and pointing at me.

"Watch where your going next time nerd, or else.", the schools quarter back says to me while laughing at me.

I can't stand it when people laugh or stare at me it makes me nervous and want to cry.

"Awww is the poor bwaby gonna cry?", one of the school cheerleaders says to me while the reast of them start too laugh again.

I start to run down the hallway toward the girls bathroom when someone trips me and I fall on my arm. I scream from the pain because last night mom slammed it into my bedroom door over and over again until it was black, blue, and bleeding.

Everybody was laughing again even the teachers were joining in. I struggle to get back up and when I finally do I run to the girls bathroom and lock myself in one of the stalls.

I pull out my razor and cut my arm repeatedly over and over again until there was a pudle of blood on the floor. Then I put the razor back inside my backpack and wash the blood off my hand and then I pull my sleeve down and wait for first period to end.


When I finally hear the bell ring signalling that it was time for second period I hurried to get to my next class before anybody noticed me and decided to mess with me.

Thankfully I didn't run into anyone and I safely sat down at the back of the classroom.

The only thing about this class that sucks is that I have to sit next to the schools quarter back and he throws anything he can at me all through the class period.

Whenever he finally walks in I look down and when he sees this he smiles to himself while seating himself next to me.

Man it is really hot in hear and I am having a hard time concentrating on what the teacher is saying with the jock staring at me and throwing pencils at me.

When I pull my sleeves up because of the humidity in here I here a gasp and look over to find the jock staring at my arm where I had cut it.

Whoops I swiftly pull my sleeve back down but it's too late I can already tell that he saw the cuts.

The jock stands up and says,"Hey everybody look at Cassie she cuts herself. Hahaha." The whole class joins in on the laughter while the teacher glares at me and tells me to go to the principles office. Oh boy this isn't gonna be good because the nurse is gonna see my bruises also and i'm gonna get sent to a group home or a special hospital and then I will never get to go to college and get away from my mom the way I planned.


Ok guys what did yall think about this chapter cuz i kinda liked it myself but anyways plz vote comment and watever lol peace


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