Chapter 5

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Finally it's Friday! Can't wait for the weekend! I jumped out of bed, put on some skinny jeans a cute tank top and my uggs and ran downstairs to make me some waffles! I am in such a great mood this morning and I don't know why. I sit at the table and start chowing down. My morning is going great! No mom. "Can someome please turn that music off!" Oh. I forgot. The girl from last night. I ran back up the stairs and she's standing there in a pink robe. I simply wall past her answer my phone. "Hey what's up my?" I say with a giggle. "Ooooo someone is in love!" I shot the girl a glare and ran down the stairs. "Who was that?" I told him I honestly didn't know who she was. I just got home and she was there. We hung up and I put my plate in the sink and grabbed a glass a put orange juice in it and took a sip. "Have you met Ashlie yet?" I hear my mom ask someone something. I walk closer and a meet my mom's eyes "Ashlie I need you to take Melissa around school and show her to her classes." I chucked and went back to the table. "Why?" She was not pleased by my response and gave me am evil glare and whispered something to this girl. The girl was dressed in a ruffled dress and sandals. "Oh hope you can ride a skateboard because I'm not stopping!" I yell as I skate to the park.

"Heyy do a trick!" Was the first thing I hear when I arrive. I stuck tongue out and did an olly. We were all 3 having a good time. They tried teaching me tricks which I failed at. "You're gonna need more practice!" Kalin said and pulled me into a hug. We go to leave til someone calls my name. Kalin turns around and his jaw drops. "Who is she?" Myles asked as the girl runs up and holds out her hand. "Hi I'm Melissa!" She replys so bubbly. I snap the boys back to reality "guys we have school!" I smack both of their heads and we skate to school with no stopping.

Today on the lunch menu was hamburgers, fries, and veggies. Ok I should have brought my lunch today. I heard someone running up behind me and purposely run into me knocking my banana off. "Myles what do you want?" He laughs and takes a banana and runs back to the table. I went the whole day without seeing melissa. I hope it stays that way.

"She's so hot!" I sit down next to myles as they go off talking about how hot this girl was. "Awe thank you! I knew you guys loved me!" They both throw a grape at me and we just sat there talking about plans for the weekend. "Let's go swimming tomorrow?" We all shook our heads and someone puts their tray down right beside me. "Mind if I sit here?" The little princess wants to join. "Um I'll introduce you to some friends? Yea?" I told her and got up. "you.... You can if you want." Kalin stuttering? I've never heard him stutter... Does she HAVE to sit here?! She sits right in the empty chair so I decided to sit down. I was so relieved by the time lunch was over. I rushed to put my tray up. I went to go get my books til Myles runs up with my stuff. "Awe you're sweet!" He laughs and we both walk to our classes.

The last few classes consisted of tests and a project for the weekend. Who does homework on the weekends anyways?! In California? Psh. I walked to my locker and put my stuff in my backpack as someone closes my locker for me. "So are you coming or not? My mom won't leave me alone about it" he chuckles rubbing the back of his neck. It's one of his nervous habits. "Sure but I am not bringing her." I state. He pokes my cheek and replys "I don't want her there, I want you miss jealousy!" I punch his stomach and ran to the bus. We just sat there listening to music on his phone til we got to our stop.

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