Go away

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Dear readers,
I would like to say that I hate when people be saying stuff other than dricki but I know some of y'all are Ganna say, it's not something to get mad about and stuff like that! Well I'm sorry my anger issues don't really help with the situation, little things tend to make me mad... And please with that omeeka bullshit, move onto a different story cause I don't really need you here! I don't go to every omeeka story and hate, cause I would look stupid ( just like the person who commented about it) your wasting your time. I just delete your comment and get it over with. Cause I dont need a hater, hating on my story. If you hate it then don't read it. You support omeeka and tend to say shit well stop reading it and go read you omeeka fanfic! Thank you ☺️, have a marvelous day everyone.

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