I'm heading straight for the castle

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I have no idea how but I totally forgot about my friends, actually I knew exactly why. I was spending so much time talking to Ashley that my friends had completely fallen away from my memory. Ashley talked about her favorite music and drinks and told me she had just moved into town for music opportunities since we did live in Hollywood. She told me all she had was her car and a few hundred dollars to get her through.

"Well, if you ever need someone to show you around or to hang out with call me. I know the best karaoke spots."

"That is noted, pretty girl."

I blushed so hard I could feel the blood rushing to my face. It had been so long since someone paid attention to me in this way, called me pretty, and I felt it all in my bones. The rush of flirting was like cookies fresh out of the oven, if you bite in it right away it will burn you but it will still taste absolutely amazing.

Somehow Ashley and I got closer through the night, dancing and rocking up against each other. Even though the curly haired girl at first didn't seem to have any dancing skills she knew how to grip my hips and hold them tightly, feeling our bodies press against each other, chest to chest made my heart race to the beat of the song and I had felt everything. Every little piece of passion I had been missing since the breakup with her was slowly coming back to me, I could feel myself Ashley and I could feel us so close and bound to each other in one dance.

The night felt like forever but sooner rather than later it was over and I was rushing outside with my arm around Ashley's hip, laughing loudly.

"Dude this is the most fun I've had in so freaking long," Ashley tells me, looking me in the eyes I watched as her sparkled as she looked at me and shivers ran down my body.

"This was amazing, you don't know how much my life has been sucking lately."

"Really? Well, why don't you tell me all about it when I take you out on a date next week." Ashley says and smiles and widely, tilting her head to the side as a soft giggle sneaks from her mouth. I felt my mouth drop open before I could even fight it off and it made Ashley laugh so hard she clapped her hands together. "What? You thought this night wouldn't lead up to something more? You thought I would let a beautiful girl like you go? Please." she put her hand up and then shoved it away in a "as if" motion.

"I... I haven't dated in a long time, I think I forgot how it works. Everything always seems one sided to me."

"So you do, have a thing for me?" Ashley made a little "cluck" noise with her tongue at the inside of her chin and then she smiled again "That's so good to know... so, next week, can I see you?"

"You for sure can see me next week," I tell Ashley and that smile returns to her face.

"Cool," and Ashley leans into me, walking closer and slowly her hand comes back to my waist and slides down from my hips and right when her hand was about to touch my ass and I had stopped breathing her hand goes to my phone in my back pocket. She pulls it out of my back pocket.

"What's your passcode?"

"0719" I told her.

She smiled again,"Cute,"

It went quiet between us as she played with my phone; then her phone began to ring. She pulled out her own iPhone and clicked the end button. "Great. Now I know your number and I can call you closer to next weekend and we can plan something, and what I mean by 'closer to next week' is probably when I get home to make sure you made it home okay. But my girls are over there waiting for me so I better get going, OK? It was amazing meeting you, Miss Lauren"

"It was awesome meeting you too. I can't wait to see you next.

Ashley laughed "I know," she leaned in once more planting her lips against my cheeks and my eyes closed at the contact and I smiled.

"Bye," I said as she turned and walked in the opposite direction.

She turned and waved back then fell into the darkness. When I was sure she was gone I turned with a hand on my cheek to see my friends staring at me with wide eyes.

"Oh my goddess! She totally just asked you out!" Camila shouted and I smiled back at my little clique

"I know!"

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