Chapter 9

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I'm gonna skip over a few months. Sorry! I'm also going to do more of Steve's pov and try to do third person writing. But I hope your enjoying the story. Thanks for reading.
11 months later
"Hey Steve! Breakfast is ready!" (Y/N) yells.
"Yeah. I'm coming." Steve says. He comes in still in his sleep pants and messy hair. He looks so cute.
"Here you go." You give him a plate of eggs,bacon, toast and fruit.
"Thanks babe! Your amazing!" Steve places a kiss on your cheek.
You sit down and join him. Things have changed so much since the wedding. For Tony and Peppers wedding gift they expanded our floor with a full kitchen, a living room, 2 bathrooms, 3 bedrooms. It honestly was to much I mean it just us. We bearly even stay in our apartment. Steve's been on more missions trying to find Bucky-he just got back from a mission a few days ago.
Things have slowed down though which is a good thing.
"Oh Steve I going to go to the grocery store and do some things."
"Ok, have a wonderful day (Y/N). I love you!"
You grab your list and head down to a garage where you find Clint.
"Yo Clint."
"Hey (Y/N). Here are you headed off to on this beautiful morning. Shouldn't you be in bed with your hubby? Having a pleasurable morning." He gives you a stupid grin.
"Clint your gross and what I do with my morning is my business." You get in the car and head out. You go to the store and buy food and other things. Then you stop by the florist to get some daisies, which you always get-every week. The guys set it up so Steve and I wouldn't have to pay. Its cold today. You drive to the cemetery and walk and you find a little grave stone with some old flowers you placed there 2 weeks ago.
Joseph Grant Rogers.
It was about 6 months ago. When you told Steve he was going to be a father he was so happy and when you lost your 14 week old baby. It shattered him. You had been feeling pains in your stomach for a few days,but you never thought about it. It wasn't anyone's fault. No one would have ever have known that the baby was having lung and heart trouble. Nat was there when you started screaming in pain and she called Steve. He came a day later. Bruce had already given you medicine to help with the physical pain,but the emotional pain was burning inside of you. It was 2:00am when Steve came back. He had been crying before he came in to see you. You had lost so much blood. Pale, weak, and tired; you laid on the bed. He came and got in bed and held you, not saying anything. He knew your pain.
You shake away your thoughts and place the flowers at your sons grave and head back to the tower. Back at the tower things were actually calm. Tony and Bruce were in the lab-Science bros, Clint was training, and Natasha was reading a book. You walk to your apartment and sit all the bags down and start cooking dinner. Life is good. Crazy,but good. You smile to yourself and grab some carrots, tomatoes, and onions and start to dice them. Then you feel a warm embrace. You don't have to turn;you know who it is. Steve.
With his arms still around your waist he asks."How was your day?"
"Good, and yours?"
He rests his head on your shoulder and responds."Ok, Tony made a minor explosion."
You cringe at the thought.
"Did you visit Joseph?" Steve takes your hand and you stop chopping the carrot.
"Yes, how did you know?"
"(Y/N) I know you to well. You act little depressed and such. I love you and I-"
You irrupt."No. What if we lose the next one?"
"We can live in fear doll. That's not living. I miss him too." Steve holds you close.

After dinner is finished. Dishes put away, silverware in the drawer, table cleaned. You finally lay down on the couch. Thinking about your son;you cry. Steve sits down beside you rubs your back.
"You know lets play a game?" He says.
"Let's play hide and seek!"
You smile at his childlike attitude.
"Ok let's play! Just in are apartment. Deal?" You hold out your hand.
"Deal." You both shake.
And the game begins.
The first game, Steve hid behind in curtains.
The second game, you hid under the bed and it took Steve 10 minutes to find you.
The last game, Steve was in the closet. When you found him he grabbed you and started to tickle you. You laughed and laughed until your stomach hurt. Once your both finally out of closet and calmed down you both decide to get ready for bed. You change in to a shirt and your underwear, Steve in his underwear. You plop on the bed and snuggle in. You feel Steve scoot in he wraps his musclier arms around you. Your head rest on his chest and gently moved your leg to his waist.
"You love me right?"
Steve sits up and gives you concerning look. "Of course (Y/N). Why wouldn't  I?"
"Maybe because I'm afraid."
"Why are you afraid?"
"I'm afraid because I lost our baby. What if it happens again? I can't go through that again."
"(Y/N) you won't have to go through the it again. I'm here and I'll always love you."
"Thanks Stevie." You kiss him. He brings his hand to your cheek and kiss furiously back. The kiss turns to a heated one. Steve suddenly grabs your shirt and pulls it over your head so your just left in your underwear. Your now on top of him, you reach for his underwear band. You feel his hand on yours.
"Are you sure??"
"Steve I have never been so sure." You pull off his underwear and throw them to the floor.

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