Chapter 12

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You wake up from your deep slumber to soft sweet lips on yours. You give in immediately and kiss him. His blue orbs are still twinkling with excitement.
Steve mouth slowly goes to your neck. He nibbles. Just worshiping your body.
Then he stops he looks at you and says again." A baby."
You giggle."Steve when are we going to tell the others?"
"I haven't thought about it yet. How about at breakfast?"
"A baby."
You grab his hands that are still holding your face and slowly bring them down to your stomach.
"Here. Steve." You set his hands on your belly.
He looks at you a little confused.
"Talk to it."
"Hi baby, it's me your daddy. Your mommy and I just wanted to say that we love you so much already. I can't wait to meet you. Steve look up and you and gives you one of his cheesy signature smiles. You lean up and peck his lips. "Merry Christmas Steve."
"Merry Christmas (Y/N)."

Once you both decide to stop kissing and talking. You guys head to the kitchen for breakfast. Everyone is sitting at the table waiting for you both.
"Hey Merry Christmas Spangles and Cupcake!"
"Merry Christmas Tony." Steve shakes his head and puts out your chair for you. You smile and sit down.
"Mmhm! Those pancakes look so good Clint!" You say as he sets down a plate with some pancakes on it.
"Why thanks (Y/N)!" Clint yells from the kitchen.
You immediately dig into the fluffy sweet pancakes. You gulp down them so fast everyone starts looking at you.
"I thought you weren't feeling well. (Y/N) you've been sick  for 3 weeks." Clint looks at you weirdly.
"Yeah, um about that." You wipe your mouth with you napkin.
"Actually." Steve stands up and looks at you. He gives you his hand you take it and stand up.
"I'm pregnant."
Everyone looks at you two. The room is silent for about 5 seconds. Then it erupts with congratulations.
"Oh my god! Are you serious!" Pepper runs over and hugs you.
"Congratulations (Y/N). How far are you?" Clint asks.
"Um 3 weeks." You reply.
"Congrats you guys! Steve you finally knocked (Y/N) up." Natasha smiles and hugs you both.
"Congrats Steve,(Y/N)." Bruce smiles and shakes Steve's hand.
"Thanks Bruce." You hug him.
"Aww man! In less than 9 months will have another Capsicle or Cupcake around here!" Tony says.
"You know a normal person would just say, congratulations." You say sarcastically.
"Well I'm not normal." He waves his hand.
"We know." Pepper laughs.
"Hey!!" He says
You all laugh at this.
"Let's open presents!" Steve says.
Of course you all agree.
After many many presents opened, laughter, and food. You pop at all the presents around you.
Clint got you a new gun, Natasha got you and Steve a some new sketch books, Pepper a new scarf, Tony got everyone a new Stark tablet, and Bruce a camera to take pictures of the baby.
"Wish Thor was here." Steve says holding you in his arms.
"Yeah I kinda of miss the big guy." Tony says.
Just then a huge boom and crash comes from outside.
You grab your gun. Steve with his shield. Then Thor walks in. You sigh in relieve.
"Greetings fellow friends." Thor smiles and walks into the living.
"Hey Thor!" You all shout.
"Oh Thor (Y/N) so don't squeeze the life outta her." Tony says sarcastically.
"Congratulations Captain (Y/N)." Thor shakes Steve's hand.
"Thanks buddy." Steve says.
The rest of the day is filled with laughter, fun, and Thor smashing plates. Best Christmas ever!

~ Several days later
You rest your head on the ceramic bowl. Stomach still churning. You sigh, Steve hands rubbing your shoulders. When most of the nausea has died down you sit up slowly lean back on Steve.
"I wish I could take this nausea away." He rubs your shoulders gently.
"Bruce said the nausea would stop at 14 weeks. Just 10 more weeks." You pause and groan. "This sucks."
Steve grabs some water without disturbing your stomach. "Here drink this it might help."
You take the water meekly and sip some.
As you drink you think I couldnt ask for a better cheerleader to help me with this. 
When the nausea completely goes always Steve helps you up slowly.
"So since its 7:00 and we can't really go back to sleep let's go see who's up." Steve says.
You guys head to the living room to see who's awake. You see Bruce and Natasha standing by the windows looking out above the city.
"Hey guys." Bruce says.
You smile in response, cursing up on the love seat. You pull your shirt a little. You sigh, your shirt was starting to get to tight.
"Hey Bruce! What are you doing here?" You ask.
"Just taking a break from Tony's antics. What about you?"
"Morning sickness. By the way could we have that ultrasound appointment today?"
"Sure. I'll get it all set up after Breakfast."
"Thanks again Bruce. We trust you more than the doctors at Shield. After the hold Hydra thing. It's hard to know who to trust." Steve wraps his arm around your waist.
"Don't mention it guys. I'm happy to do it. Right now it better than working in the lab on a formula that's not working." He smiles.
"So whose a told (Y/N)s parents?" Natasha comes over and sits in a chair.
"That's a problem. We can't decide." Steve says.
"Well flip a coin." Bruce suggests.
"We did, we tied." You say defeatedly. Steve smiles.
"Do it again. We'll decide." Nat says plainly.
"Fine." You say.
Steve digs a quarter out of his pocket. He flips it and catches it with is big hand.
"Heads or tails?" He asks you like a gentleman.
He peeks and he sighs defeated.
"Sorry! Stevie." You peck his cheek.
Just then Pepper and Clint walk in.
"Why are you guys up this early?" The archer states.
"Do you really wanna know?" Natasha says letting her sass out.
"No M'am." He walks to the kitchen.
"Who's cooking breakfast?" Pepper pipes up.
"Tony is supposed to." Bruce says.
"He's not gonna cook. He never cooks." Clint shouts from the kitchen.
"I'll do it, you bunch of babies." Natasha gets up and walks towards the kitchen.
You laugh into Steve's chest.
"Oh my god! I'm never going to pull an all nighter again!!!" You turn around and see the billionaire walk in.
"We all know that's not true." Steve states.
"Life is crap." Tony walks to the coffee maker.
You shake your head and say
"Pep you look good."
"Thanks going to a meeting Tony wouldn't go to. So dealing with that. Oh Tony I won't be back until next week. I love you and don't die." She runs out with her suitcase.
You see the door close and then a bang.
It's Tony.
"Oh my god! I'm never using this stupid piece of junk again!!" Tony smashes the top and walks into the kitchen.
You giggle at the sights going on around you.
"Hey (Y/N)." Steve looks down at you.
"What babe?"
"You're amazing."
"You just are. I love you." He kisses your lips.
You kiss back and hear a, Eww, after a second.
"Shut up Tony!" Steve yells and goes straight back to kissing you.
"Breakfast is ready!" Natasha yells from the kitchen.
"That's music to my ears!" Tony runs and sits down at the table.
"Looks good Nat!" Clint says spooning some scrabbled eggs on his plate.
"Leave some for us,Legolas!" Tony says sarcastically.
"Bacon and toast too! You out did yourself." Bruce exclaims.
"Thanks boys." Natasha sits down and joins in.
"So what are you guys doing today?" You ask.
"Well I'm going to meet Fury in about 15 minutes. He says he has a mission for me." Clint answers with his mouth full.
"Training some new recruits."
"Gonna work on my new project."
After breakfast you guys all disperse. Leaving you and Steve to do the dishes.
"Steve could you hand me that pan?" You ask with your hands in the soapy water.
"Sure (Y/N)." He hands you the pan.
'Buzz buzz' "Steve could you see who that is on my phone?"
"Of course." Steve unlocks your phone.
"It's Bruce. He says that he has all the equipment ready for your ultrasound."
"What's the matter."
"I'm kind of nervous."
"Don't be. Our baby is going to be just fine." He wraps his arm around your and kisses the side of your head.

~ Later
You carefully give up on the table and lay back. Bruce places the gel on your stomach. You hold Steve's hand and wait.
"Okay. Give me just a minute."Bruce says while putting his glasses on. He fiddles with the machine.
You silently think. I'm going to see my baby. You try to remember some of the facts, but it's still your baby.
You look at the screen and there's your baby. Your eyes shift to Steve. He looking at the screen in awe.
"The baby is about the size of a raspberry. So I'm going to zoom in." Bruce says. He press a few buttons.
The screen slowly moves in. It moved.
You gasp at the sight.
"I thought you said...." Steve stammered looking the screen.
"What's going Bruce?" You say quietly still looking at the screen.
Bruce too was staring in stock at the image they were all seeing.
The speck was more than moving. It was undulating, changing. Like a lava lamp, constantly altering its shape and reforming.
"Bruce." You say again.
The scientist's head snapped around and he looked at Steve with a touch of fear in his features. The moment Steve met his eyes, Bruce instantly looked away, but the damage had been done.
"What did I do?" the soldier whispered in horror.
I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Thanks for reading.

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