Chapter 20

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Oh my goodness! This story has 608 reads. Thank you so much and enjoy the story. It's not over yet. I'll be going up to AntMan and then I'll just have to see if you all want more. Thanks for reading!
xoxo, Lydia
You watched as the quinjet disappeared into the sky. You walked onto the porch, standing beside Laura who was still watching the sky. The sun was beginning to rise.
"It doesn't get any easier, does it?" You asked into the silence. Your hands settled against the wooden bar in front of you. Any day now...Steve's words repeated themselves in your mind.
"Not at all." Laura replied. She sighed, shaking her head a bit. "But," She turns to smile at you, "You get more people who understand what it's like. That way they can worry with you."
You let out a laugh that she joins. The two of you watch the sky as the sun paints its new colors. You don't move until you hear her kids moving around inside.
"Eating's a really good way to cope too. Especially when you can blame it on the baby." Laura chuckles, affectionately patting her tummy. You nod and smile rubbing your tummy has well, following after her as she heads inside her house to prepare breakfast.
The day passes without incident. You're able to read, help Laura with laundry, and play with her kids. You try to keep yourself busy so your mind doesn't wander to Steve. But, as usual, you find some train of thought that leads you down that track. Seeing him, for however brief of a time, did not make it easier to watch him leave again.

Steve's losing his mind. Mostly because Stark's being a complete idiot, but that's not his true problem. Since Ultron's taken over all kinds of communication, he can't have any kind of communication with you. Rogers can't risk the robot finding you, no matter how much it drives him insane. He needs to know that you're doing okay.
So, as much as he hates asking, he asks Stark to get Rhodey to keep an eye on you. After much teasing, yelling, and the team telling Stark to agree, Stark finally caved in to the Captain's wish. But it doesn't calm his nerves any. If anything, it makes him even more on edge. He's tense, alert, ready for any news about you.
One more week. Your words bounce around in his mind. If Sierra can just stay for one more week, everything will be okay. It's not too much to ask for.
When the second day has passed with no news about you, Steve's almost relieved. They're beginning to go into battle. Once that's over, everyone can go home. He can go home. Just one last battle.
Then, the original plan that the Avengers had planned goes awry. His chest tightens as he realizes the new risks involved. But, he can't have any of that. If he's going to get back to you and Sierra he needs to focus.
So, he pushes the two of you far from his mind. He immediately moves into Captain America, rather than Steve Rogers. It's not too big of a difference, just helps him focus. And that's what he needs right now.
"Alright, Avengers, listen up: you get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed.." He pauses, briefly slipping into Captain Rogers before snapping back to the Captain. "Walk it off."
He squeezes his hands together, preparing to fight. Then, he runs.

Tony grins behind his mask as he sees Rhodey enter the fight. His friend shoots at all the robots that Tony misses.
"Glad you could join the party, James." Tony quips as he watches a bot fall.
"Thanks for the invitation, Stark." Rhodey immediately retorts. "I'll just take care of your trash, as usual." The man zooms past Stark, going after more bots.
"I should probably start paying you for that, shouldn't I?" Tony teases. The two share banter as the fly through the sky, sending more of the robots falling, lifeless, to the ground.
"Tony, this is a direct line from me to you, right?" Rhodey asks. He turns sharply to avoid the robots, sending bullets after them.
"It is. What's going on?"
"Well, you remember that big thing Cap told me to watch out for?"
Tony frowns, "Big thing?" He lifts his hand, sending a shot through the chest of a bot. "What big thing?"
"The people." Rhodey stresses, wondering why he ever bothers with Stark sometimes.
"Oh! Yeah! The baby thing, yeah." Tony dodges one of the bots. "What's going on?"
"It's coming out."
"(Y/N)'s in labor right now."
Sorry for such a short chapter. I'll upload again soon. When Civil war comes out I'll add the script into my story. Sadly it's not out yet soon that might take while. I have 7 more chapters left before civil war. So I'm trying to upload them slowly so you won't have to as wait long until the movie. Does that make sense?? If not ignore this. Lol. As always thanks for reading.

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