Chapter Nineteen

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The chains clashed together viciously as Optimus desperately struggled to yank free, the sounds of his mate's pained screams cutting deep into his spark.

"L-Let me go!" He yelled to 'Sir', expression panicked. "Please! Let me help him!"

Sir glanced at him, before turning and rushing off into the shadows, an agitated frown on his lips. He returned with a large kit, and set it beside the wailing medic.

"Wh-What are you doing?" Optimus yanked at the chains harder, optics wide with fear.

"I was a medic back on Cybertron, you idiot!" Sir snapped, slipping gloves on. "I've birthed many a sparkling before."

"I am not having my sparkling here!" His voice catching with pain, Ratchet yelled, before letting out another screech.

"You don't have much of a choice!" Sir hissed, before opening the kit and removing a couple surgical tools. "I have nothing to put you under or ease the pain, your just going to have to tough it out."

Ratchet bit back tears, breathing hard, trying his best not to scream. "N-N.... Are y-you sure you kn-know what your doing..?"

"Shut it, I need to focus." Sir ordered, kneeling beside him and running a servo over his middle. "This is going to hurt a lot."

He took a sharp bladed tool, and slowly, made a large cut across his abdomen, deep, but not enough to harm the sparkling. Ratchet shrieked in pain, which made Optimus flinch. Sir continued with the cut until he was physically able to reach in and start snipping wires, so he could reach the sparkling.

"AAAAAAAHHHHAAA!" Ratchet's voice echoed through the cave. "PRIMUS, IT HURTS!"

"Oh, shut up, your fine!" Sir hissed angrily.

"E-Easy for you- to say.... your not the o-one giving... birth!" Ratchet squeezed his optics shut, gasping in pain. "Hurry u-up!"

"Primus, I'm working on it!" Sir snipped a little faster, until his gaze rested upon the tiny form of a sparkling.

The silver mech removed the sparkling as Ratchet let loose another wail, sighing in relief, as he quickly cleaned it's little frame off, and set it in a couple blankets. Then he removed a couple more tools and sealed the gash in Ratchet's abdomen, who was panting hard and gritting his denta.

"Deep breath, your alright." Sir said as he wrapped the now crying sparkling in a blanket, and dunked it into the medic's arms.

"Is he alright? And the sparkling?" Optimus asked eagerly, leaning forward.

"Their both perfectly fine." Sir replied, wiping energon off his tools. He sighed, when he noticed the large pool of it around Ratchet. "That's gonna stain..."

Ratchet was closely examining the sparkling, worried as to what the silver mech could have done to it, but found nothing but a whining, sleepy sparkling. A smile crossed his lips.  She had a white paintjob, with pretty blue detailing, and huge, vibrant blue optics, which gazed up at him as she ceased her mewling.

"She's... she's alright, Optimus..." Ratchet whispered softly, the pain ebbing away, affection gleaming in his optics.

"Please..." Optimus begged, his gaze on Sir. "I-I want to see her..."

Sir narrowed his optics, before coming to stand in front of the Prime.

"If you try anything, your mate and sparkling won't make it out alive, understand?" He hissed as he unchained his prisoner, who paid no attention to him, and rushed to Ratchet's side.

"Ratchet..." Optimus whispered, as he lowered this knees beside his mate, a protective arm immediately going around the medic. "Are you well?"

"Slightly bleeding to death, but otherwise fine." Ratchet replied, before moving his arms and showing the sparkling to the Prime, who's optics lit with affection.

"Hello, little one..." He said softly as he reached his servo, and brushed the sparkling's cheek with a digit. "She's so beautiful... you've done well, Ratchet."

"Her name..." The medic watched his mate with kind optics. "What do you think we should name her?"

Optimus pulled in close to Ratchet, a smile on his lips. "I have one name in mind... Lightswipe." He kissed Ratchet's cheek gently. "But if you have another name..."

"No, I like it..." Ratchet leaned on the Prime's shoulder. "Lightswipe it is."

"I hope you realize that this doesn't change anything." Sir spoke up, his gaze on the two bots and their sparkling. "This planet is my home. You are not welcome here," he snarled, "and you will be punished, sparkling or no sparkling."

"If you lay a servo on either of them, I'll rip your spark out," Optimus growled protectively. "I will not tolerate any more harm coming to my medic." Ratchet blinked. That was his angry tone, the one he only used when he was reeeaaally mad.

Sir narrowed his optics. "I'd be careful what you say to me, Prime. Even if you manage to take me down, how will you escape the caves? I am the only one that has it mapped, and coded to memory. I'm the only one who can navigate my way through."

Optimus stiffened. The silver mech was right; only because the Prime had heard Ratchet's screams was he able to navigate his way to them. How would they get out?

"Now, Prime, if you want your mate and daughter to survive, you'll comply to what I want," Sir began, a smirk coming to his lips.

"And... that is?" Optimus asked through gritted denta.

"Simple. First, I want you to take any other Cybertronians you brought out here, get them in the ship you came in, and send them back. Once they are gone, I will release your mate and daughter, and I want them far, far away from me. But I want you to stay," he hissed. "And be punished for bringing your blasted Autobots to my planet."

Ratchet gazed at Optimus with wide optics. "Please don't do it.." He begged, bringing their sparkling, Lightswipe, close.

The Prime brushed Ratchet's cheek gently with his servo, his optics soft. "Whatever it takes to protect you, I'll do."

"You'll comply?" Sir smirked.

"Y-Yes..." Optimus met his gaze with confident optics.

No... Ratchet snuggled closer, giving a sad whimper.  How can you allow him to do this...

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