Chapter Forty Eight

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Tap, tap, tap, tip, tap, tap...

"...Are you going to be finished soon?"

Ratchet didn't look up from the monitors, only allowed his servos to still from typing for a moment, exhaling softly. "I don't know. When I feel like I'm done, I'll be done." He replied, barely casting a sideways glance at Optimus, who stood at his side.

"You've been working for quite a while. Take a break, please?" He asked, moving a servo to rest on Ratchet's shoulder. When the medic turned his helm to look at him, he let a small smile cross his lips. "Please?" He repeated.

"It's only five. I can get a few more hours of work in." Ratchet muttered. "Just let me work..."

Optimus shook his helm, smile growing slightly. "You've been at it since seven, and it's your first day back. While Sky Rocket is watching Lightswipe, and the others are covering the scouting missions, it's nice and quiet, just how you like it... come sit with me?" He urged softly, slipping behind Ratchet and wrapping his arms around him, mindful of his wounds.

"Optimussssss...." Ratchet whined.

"Please, Old Friend?" His mate whispered in his audio receptor, before kissing his cheek. Ratchet couldn't resist a smile, tilting his helm upward slightly so he could see his mate.

"Your persistent."


The medic sighed, returning his slightly agitated gaze to the monitors, and allowing his servos to return to typing. He fell silent, trying to hide a look of pure amusement as Optimus gave a small growl of annoyance, a pushy feeling slipping across the bond from his end. Ratchet bit his lower lip, keeping his gaze on the screen, sensing an idea coming into Optimus's processor, as the Prime fell silent as well, his side of the bond slightly hiding a large level of thought and consideration. What are you about to do... Ratchet thought as he waited. He knew Optimus- this Prime was about to do something... When Optimus vanished from behind him, disappearing down the hall, Ratchet found himself looking after him curiously. Maybe he was wrong. His gaze again returned to the screen, where it stayed for a few moments, before he got lost into is work, only listening to the tip, tap of the keyboard. Not five minutes later, much to Ratchet's horror and fright, two servos suddenly grabbed his waist without warning, a sudden jolt that jerked him out of his workmind forcefully, making Ratchet give an alarmed screech and spin around, only to find his mate grinning down at him. "YOU FRAGGING GLITCH!" He shouted angrily, taking a threatening step towards his mate, who wore a thoroughly amused look. "OPTIMUS, YOU SCARED ME!"

"That was the idea," Optimus offered, stepping back as Ratchet slowly began approaching him dangerously. "What are you doing...?" He asked after a moment, slowly becoming alarmed as Ratchet continued to stalk towards him, optics narrowed a great deal, shifting his appearance to that of a predator.

"Karma is a glitch, Optimus. It is a FRAGGING. GLITCH." Ratchet spat, grabbing a wrench off of a nearby table and hurling it at his mate.

Optimus was wise enough to deem this a good time to panic.

He ducked and bolted, racing into medbay as another wrench was thrown his way. "R-Ratchet! Careful, those hurt!" He exclaimed, diving out of the way of that one.

"Hold still!" Ratchet growled, picking up another tool- after making sure it was less likely to break- and heaved it at the Prime, who again, avoided it with a narrow dive, but his ped snagged the leg of the medical berth and he hit the ground, crying out in alarm. He rolled onto his back, but before he could get up, Ratchet was standing over him, glaring down at him with vicious optics. Optimus's optics widened slightly, paling with terror. "Well, Prime," Ratchet hissed through gritted denta, "you got my attention... isn't that what you wanted?"


A smile crossed Ratchet's lips, and he slowly lowered to over above his mate, before kissing him gently. Optimus reached up and cupped his cheek, returning it, and letting a smile of his own appear. When they parted, Ratchet raised an optic ridge, and tilted his helm. "Your right... it is nice and quiet in here..." He purred.

"I told you." Optimus nodded.

Ratchet kissed him again, this time with a bit more force, glossa pushing past Optimus's lips and into his mouth. The Prime allowed him to do so, smiling, wrapping his arms around his mate. The kiss intensified, and grew heated, before a voice interrupted:

"Hey, I heard some crashin', and I got- OH... On the floor? Seriously?"

Ratchet sat up and glared at Sky Rocket. "Must we always be interrupted?" He snapped, rolling his optics.

"I'm sorry, but you ARE in the middle of the floor..." She raised an optic ridge, shifting Lightswipe in her arms. "Maybe you can... I dunno... get a room?"

"She has a point." Optimus murmured from his position, laying on the floor.

Ratchet sighed, standing, and waiting for Optimus to stand as well. "Optimus, I should return to my work... thank you, though." He smiled and stepped over to Optimus, standing on the tips of his peds to kiss his mate's cheek, before returning to the monitors.

The Prime smiled and watched him leave, before turning to Sky Rocket and taking Lightswipe from her arms.  "Was she good?" He asked.

"Of course. Always is." Sky smiled and nodded.

"SQWUA!" Lightswipe chirped, giggling and squirming in her sire's arms. Optimus held her close, before carrying her towards Ratchet. He pulled a bench over beside the monitors and sat down with the femling beside Ratchet.

"If you finish anytime soon, Lightswipe and her sire would love for her carrier to cuddle with them..." The Prime offered, sending a hopeful look towards his mate.

Ratchet smiled down at them,

"Of course."

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