Chapter Twenty Eight (Wow)

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Two longbladed swords armed Palladium, while the 'Bots armed themselves with their equipped blasters, prepared for battle against each other. Optimus, after making sure his mate was unharmed, stood and confronted the 'Con with a cold look.

"Where is Cliffjumper?" He asked, his voice in a growl. "And how did you get here?"

A small laugh escaped Palladium's lips. "Hn, where do you think Cliffjumper is? Aboard the Nemesis, held prisoner. And how did I get here? I DROVE, you idiot!" He waved a servo dismissively. "Clearly your a detective, so how about you whip up some more stupid questions for us to whiz through, just for the fun of it?"

"How 'bout I shut that smart-aft mouth of yours?" Bulkhead activated his blaster and threatened.

Palladium raised his blades. "Try, why don't you?" The Wrecker growled and took a step forward.

"Bulkhead, remain on task." Optimus ordered, his battle mask sliding over his mouth. "Who are you?" He asked the 'Con, who laughed again.

"I am Palladium, the most cunning, fierce, and powerful Decepticon known." Palladium boasted, posing a bit. "I'm on a little mission for Megatron."

::What is that glitch having you do?!:: Bumblebee asked angrily, blasters activated.

Palladium smiled and stepped forward, closer to Optimus, who raised his blades and growled. "Megatron sent me to gather intel, or..." He turned his gaze to Ratchet, who had woken and was staring with wide optics. "Return with a weaklink and/or hostage."

The medic stiffened under his gaze, not liking the sound of that. Optimus stepped in front of his mate protectively. "You will return with neither," Optimus stated coldly, his tone like ice. "I suggest you stand down before you are harmed." Ratchet slowly got to his peds, looking around his mate at the 'Con.

Palladium hissed, before charging Optimus, both blades raised. He swung downward at Optimus with one, which was stopped mid-swing my Optimus's blades, but he swung sideways with the opposite blade; it connected with the Prime's waist and left a nasty gash. Optimus yelped and kicked him away, stumbling a bit as his spilled energon hit the floor. Palladium quickly recovered and charged again, this time swinging in at him from both sides. Optimus ducked and swiped his blade along the 'Con's shin, drawing a cry of pain. Palladium kicked the Prime in the chassis while he was low, sending him into the wall.

"Gahngh.." Optimus grunted as his backstrut met the wall roughly, wincing in pain.

"Not so tough now, are you?" Sneering, Palladium raised his blades again, before leaping to strike again.

Optimus moved out of the way of the two blades and slashed his own at the bicep area of the 'Con's arm, and jumping back, putting some distance in between them, hoping for a moment to gain control of the situation, but that outcome's possibility vanished when Palladium recovered rather quickly and leapt for him again. Their blades clashed clashed together viciously as they swiped at and blocked eachother, the sound of sword against sword the only noise in the room.

The 'Con's blade connected with Optimus's wrist, cutting extremely deep and sending energon all over the Prime's arm, who cried and out backed up, finding himself a little more defenseless with only one servo to fight.

"Your spark is next!" Palladium hissed, charging again, but blaster fire began to pummel his chassis and sides, as Bumblebee and Bulkhead (finally) decided to assist their leader in the fight. "Eergnn.. FRAG!" The 'Con cursed, stumbling back and holding his blades up to block himself from the shots.

"Optimus!" Ratchet called, rushing to his mate's side and taking his arm to examine the gash in his wrist. "You almost lost a servo!" The Prime didn't pay much attention, his focus was on Palladium, who was now dented and scuffed from the fight. Ratchet pulled Optimus away, as the 'Con started to advance towards Bulkhead and Bumblebee, blocking the fire with his blades.

Optimus transformed his non-wounded servo and began firing as well, as his mate fussed over his other servo.

Suddenly, Palladium leapt forth and swung one blade hard, hitting Bumblebee first and sending the scout into Bulkhead, knocking them both to the floor. He then heaved his other blade at Optimus, who had no time to dodge it before it drove into his shoulder and knocked him into the wall, the tip of the blade protruding slightly from his back.

"Kkgnnhah...." The Prime gasped and coughed, energon dripping down his chestplating.

"Optim- AAH!" Ratchet began, but was cut off as a servo grabbed his wrist and pulled him in. A blade came to rest at his neck, as Palladium held it there, threatening termination.

"Shut it," Palladium hissed into his audio receptor. "I want no defiance, understand?"

"O-Optimus... let me help him!" Ratchet whispered desperately. "Please! He'll bleed to death!"

"Relax, he's coming with us." Palladium growled. "Now, we are going to leave this base, I won't be able to hold you because I'll be helping your mate, but if you try anything, I'll rip out both your sparks. Am I clear?"

"Y-Yes!" Ratchet tore away from him and rushed to Optimus's side, who was breathing raggedly and struggling weakly. "Optimus... are you..."

"P-P-Pallad-dium-m..." The Prime choked out weakly, optics slowly beginning to dull as the vital energon left his frame.

"Shhh." Ratchet rested a servo on the wound, and did his best to apply pressure (which wasn't very easy with a sword through it), desperately hoping to slow the loss down. "You'll be fine..."

A servo slid onto Ratchet's shoulder. "That is, if your mate cooperates with what Megatron has planned." Palladium smirked, his other servo taking one of Ratchet's arms, pulling it behind his back and cuffing his wrist. He did the same to the other medic's wrist. "You're going to behave, now, aren't you?" He pulled him back and forced a gag into his mouth; the medic didn't struggle, his regard for Optimus overruling the concern for himself.

Palladium then left Ratchet's side and took one of Optimus's arms, who was to weak to respond. The 'Con pulled the Prime to his peds, supporting him and taking most of the weight himself and practically carried Optimus towards the door.

"You coming, Ratch?" Palladium hissed, flashing the medic a look. Ratchet quickly sped up until he was right behind them.

Palladium led the way out the door, down the hall and out the entrance to the base, into the night.

"Your quiet, Ratchet," the 'Con teased, flashing a smirk at the medic.

Ratchet narrowed his optics.

A chuckle escaped Palladium's lips. "Soundwave, bridge please." He called over the com link, and a groundbridge opened up before them. "Go on, Ratchet." He ordered, gesturing to the bridge. Ratchet stared at it for a few moments, before slowly stepping through. Palladium came in right behind him.

Ratchet stiffened as his gaze rested upon the tall, dark warlord standing before them. Megatron smirked, his red optics bearing a vicious gaze.

"Ratchet," he said darkly, stepping towards the medic and lifting his chin with a cold servo. "It's been a while."

Behind them, Palladium tossed a weak Optimus to the floor; the Prime shakily managed to get to his servos and knees, gasping in pain. Megatron released Ratchet and stood before the Prime, smiling slyly.

"And you, Optimus, I certainly didn't expect to see you in such a state." He murmured.

Optimus couldn't bring himself to reply, only glared up at the warlord.

His mate stared at the Prime worriedly, before stiffening as Palladium's servos suddenly slid around his waist from behind.

"Whatever has happened to you in the past, will not compare to what we have planned." Palladium whispered into his audio receptor. Ratchet shuddered.

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