13. the fire is coming, so i think we should run

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Listen while you read - 'Run' by Daughter (LCAW Remix)

Lauren isn't good at many things. One of them in particular is comforting people.

Even when she was younger, she remembers holding her baby sister and being completely lost when the smaller girl would start to cry. She'd always panic and pass her back to her mother. She just didn't know the right things to say... or to do.

So when she heard the slamming of doors and endless arguing out in the hallway, she hesitated to go see what was happening. Camila had been extra on edge all day, and spaces were cramped now that Ariana was sharing their room as well. She'd finally been able to get some peace and quiet when she stumbled across the attic, and pushed a few boxes aside to design a small outcove for herself. Lauren had intended on reading until the shower was open, but she was now finding it hard to concentrate with all the commotion going on downstairs.

Eventually, she gives in and tosses her book aside. Frustrated with the lack of silence in this house, she climbs down the rickety stairs and throws the door open. It nearly hits Camila in the face, who is standing in front of the bathroom with her arms crossed in annoyance.

"What is going on?" Lauren sighs, leaning against the doorway and raising an eyebrow at the other girl, who glances nervously towards the bathroom door.

"She's taking forever," Camila huffs, rolling her eyes. The brown haired girl steps forwards and slams her palm against the door.

"Come on!" she groans, loud enough for Ariana to hear her over the shower. She pulls her hand back to bang on the door again, but Lauren reaches out and grabs her wrist before she can.

"Could you be any louder?" Lauren glares at the girl, somewhat annoyed with Camila's obvious impatience towards their new roommate. Granted, she's not thrilled with their new visitor either. But it's something she's going to have to deal with, and it's not her mission to get on Ariana's bad side. (Although it seems like it is Camila's.)

"She's going to use up all the hot water!" Camila groans and tugs her hand out of Lauren's grip. "I'm so done with her, Lauren. She's just another mess for me to clean up. She can't even do anyt-,"

Just as Camila lifts her hand to hit the door once more, it's opened slowly, and she nearly slaps Ariana in the face. The smaller girl's eyes widen and she takes a step backward, holding her towel tightly around her.

When no one else makes a move to say anything, Camila snatches her towel from the counter and pushes past Ariana, shoving the smaller girl out into the hallway and slamming the door behind her. Both girls flinch.

"Ignore her," Lauren sighs, turning to Ariana. "She's just mad cause' sometimes the hot water runs out before she can take a shower."

"Oh," Ariana whispers, shivering and looking down at the floor. "I-I... I didn't mean to... I didn't-,"

"It's fine," Lauren shakes her head. "Just try to be quicker next time." She gives the girl a small nod before turning back towards the attic staircase. She pauses, however, when she realizes Ariana hasn't made a move to go back into the bedroom.

"Need something?" Lauren raises an eyebrow at her, turning around.

"I-I... uh," Ariana hesitates, glancing back toward the bedroom. "It's dark."

"Yeah?" Lauren quirks an eyebrow. "And?"


"Fine," Lauren sighs, pulling the attic door closed for good and moving swiftly back into the bedroom. She feels around in the darkness, lighting an oil lamp and hanging it on one of the hooks on the wall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2015 ⏰

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