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With a small scrape, a piece of paper slid across table from his right and stopped abruptly upon having collided with the edge of his textbook. He unfolded it carefully and with ease, he was skilled in passing notes due to the fact that James always found something in his mind that was so important during class that he needed to show Remus.

When he opened it, he instantly recognized Freya's neat, curly handwriting spread across the top of the paper. The same handwriting that dashed across countless letters addressed to Remus every summer. Each one was signed the same way - Love, Freya. The same handwriting that lined the front page of the numerous books she gifted him each holiday.

What kind of person is you know who looking for?

Remus's eyebrows began to furrow upon reading the note, but quickly rested back in their rightful position. It didn't take much thought to realize that the mysterious subject of the girl's note was in fact, Sirius Black. This was the last thing Remus wanted to talk about at the moment. Sure, Transfiguration wasn't his favorite subject; and sure, up until this very second he had been counting down the minutes of the class. However, Remus would prefer any academic topic over the subject of Freya's crush on his best friend. He decided to scribble a few words that would hopefully delay the conversation until the end of class, or forever if he had his way, onto the note.

I haven't a clue who you're talking about.

Remus folded the paper before sliding it to his right. He then focused his attention on the second paragraph of page thirty-seven. To his disappointment, the folded page arrived next to his sweater covered arm once again.

Remus, you know who.

I'm afraid I don't.

He practically chucked the paper back at the blonde this time. Freya gave the note a quick skim before looking at him with wide eyes and nodding her head to Sirius. Their friend sat a few wooden desks in front of them with James. McGonagall had moved Sirius and James to the front of the class one day, as she had grown tired of storming back to their previous seat choice in the back multiple times each class. Her gaze lingered on the two boys like a hawk.

Remus sighed before he snatched the paper back, dipped his quill in ink and began to write. He felt Freya staring at him for a response while she chewed anxiously on her chewing gum.

I'm not encouraging this.

Why not?

Because, you'll only end up hurt.

I truly admire your over protectiveness, and love our friendship.. but we are two of your closest friends. Could you stop just this once?

Freya had no chance to maneuver the note back across the table to Remus because McGonagall's eyes had already made contact with the note in her hand. Within seconds, the parchment had flewn from Freya's grasp and into the teacher's instead. Remus gulped as he watched the older woman's eyes scan across the page several times. They even seemed to widen after what looked like the third time through.

"You two," she stated, "will stay with me after class is dismissed."

Freya's eyebrows furrowed. What had they done? They'd been caught passing notes numerous amounts of times. Peter had accidentally caught one on fire once and that hadn't even resulted in so much as a detention. James had written Lily over thirty (all ignored) in one class the previous year, and had only gotten in trouble with Lily about it.

Freya and Remus weren't the only one confused. Sirius and James had turned around to face them with their eyebrows raised. "What the hell did you write on there?" Peter mouthed from across the room where he sat beside Mary. Lily, who sat with a gaping Marlene, simply stared at the two with a look of disapproval.

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