Chapter 1. Awake

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Chapter 1. Awake

The island has always been uninhabited. Left untouched by men and gigantic skyscrapers, it was able to retain its natural beauty. The leaves were as lush as ever. Flowers of different colors were abundant, scattered on the grass. If one would look hard enough, a deer could be seen lurking against the bushes, or perhaps playing with the other animals.

The peaceful life in the island was momentarily disturbed as three figures searched the place. They moved with such speed and intensity that a normal human being wouldn't be able to distinguish them between the wind. It only took the island's guest half an hour to sweep the whole area and find what they were looking for.

One of the island's occupants, a deer, watched the three figures curiously behind the bushes. It has never seen anything apart from the other animals, and it was feeling a hint of excitement and fear for what was to transpire. The deer observed the three figures, which all belonged to bewitching girls. One of whom has flaming red hair, and a gaze that seemed to match the fierceness of her locks.

Another girl had a kinder face and a sun-kissed skin. Her eyes were smaller, though there was gentleness there. They were both looking at the third, which appeared to be their leader. This girl was different. More commanding with an unrelenting stature. With pale hair and eyes the color of sunset, she was more ethereal than any other creature. She was the sun.

"Do you feel that?" she told the other girls. "This is where I'm picking the strange energy."

The female with the red flaming hair scanned the area. She glanced skywards first, then checked between the trees. Her gaze landed on a deer that was lurking on the bushes, until she looked back at her companions. "I sense it too, oh Great One."

"Jorge, I told you to call me by my human name as long as we're here on earth," said the girl with the sunset eyes. "Act like the humans. Talk like the humans. Look like a human."

"Sorry Tahti," Jorge said in apology before she bowed low.

Tahti brushed off her apology with a wave of her hand. "Gina," she said. The girl with tanned skin snapped to attention. "Sweep this location. I want you to search carefully for any detail we might have missed. If anyone sees something, call me."

"Yes Tahti."

The deer continued to watch the three females silently until they hit a jackpot on their quest. One of the girls called Gina requested the others attention. They saw an irregularity on the ground. The deer's ears piqued with interest. The other animals always knew about that irregularity, though none had the bravery to investigate it further. But the three girls were different. They wanted to sought it out.

"There's something on the ground," Tahti said. She stomped her boots, as if testing for hollowness. "Jorge, remove the dirt and see what you can uncover."

The ground shook. It was a light rumble at first. The deer cowered on its hiding place as the shaking intensified. Jorge with the flaming hair lifted her hands. As she did, a portion of the ground was removed, exposing a crater-like shape that has never been there before. The shaking ceased. It took a while before the deer stopped trembling and was able to gather the courage to look.

Jorge tossed the large chunk of earth on the side. It landed with a thud, making more birds fly in every direction as they flee for their lives. "Is that what I think it is?" she asked as she leaned to look with the others.

"It's definitely a capsule from our planet. A resting capsule." It was Gina who spoke. She was as excited as the two girls. "Should we take a look?" She waited for Tahti's approval before she made a move. The three of them jumped below.

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