Chapter 10. Locked

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Chapter 10. Locked

Growing up, I've always been interested in books. My adoptive father had a library near the inn, so it came as no surprise for mom when I became a bookworm. If some parents asked their children, "Why is your nose always buried in a book?" Mom would simply say, "That's a nice story. Come back in the inn at around noon. I need you for something." She allowed me to experience a normal life through good discipline and the stories I've read.

And as with any book, sometimes the story focused on romance. Lead person meets another lead person. Their love blooms. So and so, until they died. But reading was different from experiencing. I never realized that pain from love in real life could be torturous. As I lay there staring at Tahti for what seemed like a very long time, I understood how the characters in each of the books I've read felt.

There was agony. There was ache. But the agony stemmed from missing her so much. And the ache was for wanting to touch her. I couldn't. The body I occupied wasn't mine. It was also dangerous for me to stare into her orange sunset eyes. It would imprison me, enslave me, break me, and in the end, make me run back to her. I shouldn't have come here.

I willed myself to return to my own body. With immense concentration, I tried to become electricity as I've done earlier. At first there was crackling, and then buzzing. It turned to nothing but a fizzle. I gritted my teeth and tried harder. Every time I felt the flying sensation, as if my soul would travel to where my body was, I would slam back into this shell like an elastic band pulled back forcefully.

I sat up and took a couple of deep breaths. Relax Alena. It was probably panic that locked me in this body. Now if only I could collect myself enough, I'd be out of here in no time. I squeaked when I felt a hand on my shoulder. "Is everything alright?" Tahti asked. I refused to look at her. To stare into her eyes was to fall in love, and heaven knows I was head over heels for her already.

"Of course everything is okay," I said. I put my hand over my throat. The voice that came out was very much like mine which was strange. If I was occupying a different body, I should have at least a different pitch of voice. "Who am I?" I asked.

"You are acting unlike yourself," Tahti said.

"Just answer the question."

She removed her hand from my shoulder. "You are Aleli, Alena's twin sister. But you feel different just now. I'm sensing a strange aura coming from you." I heard her take a sharp breath. "It's very much like Alena's aura," she said in wonder.

"Whatever it is that you're feeling, it's wrong. I am Aleli who you met in. . . Where did I meet you again?" If they really met me. They must have done something with their alien power to make a clone of me. I pinched my skin. Well that hurt. Wait, did clones have souls? Because clearly the Aleli person I heard in my head had one. Or maybe she was a programmable android. Oh my gosh, I think I'm already malfunctioning.

"Your heart rate is unnaturally high," Tahti said. "Alena would often panic , causing her vital signs to increase like this too."

"Are you saying that because it's true, or you've forgotten where you met me because A, I'm a clone or B, I'm an android."

"Neither," she said. "You are alien like me and the others. I've checked."

"You what?!" I whipped my head to her and scowled. "You checked this body? Who is Aleli to you again?"

Tahti blinked a couple of times. "You're my friend." Tahti glanced around us and frowned. "The rocks are floating. Are you the one doing that?" I followed her gaze and saw that along with the smaller rocks, some of the dirt and loose grass have floated in the air. It was because of my tense state. I forced myself to relax. Everything that floated came crashing down. The environment was filled momentarily with smoke of dirt.

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