Chapter 9. Presence

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Chapter 9.

Tahti woke me at dawn. She told me to follow her outside so she could show me around while everyone was sleeping. Rubbing my eyes, I walked with her through the corridor and straight out of the inn. Though the people around us were dead to the world, the crickets and other insects could be heard, scampering in their holes and corners. They have started the day early.

"Where did you sleep?" I asked, stifling a yawn. She didn't lie beside me on the bed, as far as I remembered. Tahti continued walking. I shuddered and wrapped my arms around me. It was still chilly, and I had nothing but a loose sweater to keep myself warm. We were heading down a beaten path when she finally answered the question.

"I did not sleep." Her boots crunched on pebbles and leaves on the ground. "Something was bothering me."

"What is it?" I quickened my pace to catch up to her. She was staring straight ahead. "Is there something wrong?"

Tahti went off the path, in the direction of the knee-high grass. I tried to keep up with her light but fast steps. We were a few meters in when she stopped and stared at me. "I think we started off on the wrong foot," she said.

I frowned. "My apologies for using the right foot first. If I've known about it, I should have used the left. Did I break a rule?" That made me worried. Jorge told me about being imprisoned on earth when a law was broken. There were pros and cons to it she said. Good if there were hot lezzies. Bad if there were only straight women. I didn't know what that meant, but if Jorge said that, I didn't want to be locked up.

Tahti shook her head. "You need not worry," she said. "It is an idiom on earth. Like you, I had trouble with it at first. But as days went along, I've learned that everything should not be taken literally. What I meant to say was, I think we started the relationship in a negative manner. It was all my fault. I've shut you out and treated you like a stranger."

"Is that so?" I said. "Then what would you have us do?"

"I want us to be friends. We will start anew with this friendship so we can become more comfortable with each other. Do you agree with me?"

I considered her question. Friendship was new to me too. There were only few people who I considered friends. Maybe I should get an advice from them to be a good one to Tahti. "Yes," I said. "If this makes you happy and takes you from what Mimi called as depression, then we will do that. When do we start being friends?"

She glanced at her watch. I caught a glimpse of the time. It was around four in the morning. "How about in five hours after I catch some sleep?" she asked.

"Sure," I agreed. "In the meantime, I will try to find things to do around the inn."

"You can go to the library. There's one not too far from here." She pointed westward to the trees. "Alena used to stay there all day to read. Do you want me to accompany you?"

I shook my head. The pathway to the trees was dark, but I doubt that I would have any problems going there. As days passed by, my vision was becoming clearer, just like my hearing. It was easier for me to see in the dark compared to when I first awoke. "No," I said. "We are not friends yet. I will find my way without you. Use the time to rest."

"As you wish," she said. "We will do it formally like the humans. In our planet, there is no declaration of friendship like this. Everyone is simply at peace."

"Jorge and Gina did mention it. They've been teaching me a lot of things."

A bothersome look crossed her face. "Take Jorge's teachings with a grain of salt. And what I meant by that is never take some things seriously. You have to judge it before following it. Jorge is a good friend and mentor, but sometimes she likes to have fun."

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