Chapter Sixteen

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We come into view of the Ice Nations camp and we decided that the best plan is to distract Nia while we send some warriors to find and rescue Clarke. Abby and I plus a few guards will walk into camp and demand for Nia and while she is detracted Octavia and Lincoln and some others will find my Princess. We ride our horse to the entrance of the camp where we are greeted by many of the Ice Nation's warriors, but this wasn't an ordinary greeting, It was if you come near me I will slit your throat sort of greeting, "We are here to meet with Queen Nia." I said loudly. Some civilian Icelanders hurry into their houses as two warriors go and find Nia the rest surrounded us.

Nia walks towards us with a large grin on her face and says "Now, now I see that you got my note then Commander." Abby looks at me with a confused look but stays silent."Where is Clarke." I ask with no hesitation. "Don't worry Commander she not dead yet." I ball my fist ready to fight her but then I feel a hand on my shoulder, Abby steps forward "What have you done to my daughter." Abby growled, she had her hand rested on her hip knowing that her gun is not far. Nia didn't answer she only played with her dagger and had a large grin on her face, we knew what she had done. "What is it that you want Nia?" I ask. "Hmmmm let me think about it, you." Nia says and points at me. I am honestly not surprised when she said that, considering what I had done to her nation but she had murdered Costia, However I was acting with my heart not my brain and that war cost us too much bloodshed than it should have. "Let's make a deal Nia, If I give you myself you have to let Clarke go." I suggest "Annd why should I take this deal?"

"Because there has already been so much unnecessary bloodshed let's not make anymore shall we." Nia looks at me, studying me trying to figure out what I am planning, It takes her a while but she agrees and I look back at Abby and tell her this is my fault and that I am sorry. We walk inside the castle until we reach the meeting room, it was pitch black then the lights came on and I see Clarke chained up on the wall with large gashes on her body, I rush over to her and see the keys on the table and unchain her, she collapses into my body, on the table and unchain her, she collapses into my body, "I'm so sorry Clarke, I love you and I promise what we will meet again." I whisper into Clarke's ear and kiss her cheek. Nia follows me as I take her outside towards Abby, as Abby comes rushing up to take Clarke and I hear Clarke mumble something "Lex-a, don't-t leave me-e agai-n." I clench my fist and make it my mission to make it out of this camp alive to see Clarke again.  

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