Chapter 5

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As promised, Erza and her crew attended the party of the just-married couple at the social hall of the resort. As they enter, the newly weds approached them.

"Hi, we're really glad you came." The bride said. "Sherry?" Erza said. "I'm surprised you still recognized me after all these years." Sherry replied. "Yeah, not much about you actually changed. From the looks of it you're still that sweet girl from high school." Erza said. "Well not entirely. Oh right, this is my husband, Ren." Sherry gestured to the dark skinned man beside her. "Ren this is Erza, she's friend of mine from high school."

Erza then shook hands with Ren. "Oh and this is my photoshoot crew. We came here for our summer collection photoshoot. This is Wendy, Jet, Droy, Evergreen, Bisca, Juvia, Max, Natsu and of course Jellal." Erza introduced each of her crew members. They either replied "Hey" or "Hi".

Afterwards, they all separated. Jet and Droy went to the buffet table to get something to eat. Wendy and Juvia went to sit at a table near the dance floor. Max went to chat with some girls who appear to be the brides maids. Evergreen and Bisca was chatting with each other at the bar. Natsu was with Lucy who went to introduced him to her dad. Jellal was no where to be seen and as for Erza, she went to the bar and got a bottle of champagne.

Erza started to walk towards the beach after getting the bottle of champagne. As she approach the beach, she saw a silloutte of a man sitting at the sand facing the glittering sea under the moonlight. She eventually recognized the silloutte.

"So, we both have the same idea." Erza said as she sit down beside the blue haired man. "Isolation and a bottle of champagne, perfect combination." Jellal said as he raised the half full bottle of champagne. Erza giggled at his action.

"Why are you here anyway? Are you stalking me?" Jellal asked turning his head to face Erza. "You wish." She replied with great sass. "You are officially the queen of sass." Jellal exclaimed as he drink from his bottle.

Erza once again giggled at what he said. "You know your funny when your drunk." Erza said. She also drank from her bottle of champagne. "Oh I'm not drunk. Well, not yet." Jellal smirked. "Oh really?" Erza replied turning her head towards Jellal's direction. "Really. Wait, you didn't answer my question. What are you doing here?" Jellal faced Erza with a frown forming in his face.

"Well... The truth is... I'm not really fond of parties, especially wedding related ones." Erza said as she turned her head in the direction of the sea. "What? You don't believe in marriage?" Jellal asked jokingly. "You can say that." Erza replied with her eyes still looking at the sea. Jellal's eyes widen as he heared her answer.

Silence filled the air around them. "So, what about you?" Erza decided to break the silence between them. "What do you mean?" Jellal asked confused after taking another drink from his champagne. Erza also took a drink from hers after asking.

"Why are you here?" Erza replied as she took another drink from the bottle of champagne in her hands. "Same as you. I'm also not fond of parties, and..." Jellal answered. "And what?" Erza asked curious. "Nothing. Just forget what I said." Jellal said taking a drink from the bottle of champagne he is holding.

"Hey no fair. I told you my reason." Erza said as she playfully punched Jellal's arm. "No you didn't. You just said that you don't believe in marriage." Jellal blurted out. "Hey that is a reason. So now, what were you supposed to say earlier?" Erza once again asked Jellal.

"Fine," Jellal sighed. "I was supposed to say that I don't believe in commitment of the couples in a relationship." "Why not? Personal experience?" Erza asked. "Personal experience." Jellal sighed once again taking another drink from his bottle.


Author's Note

I am so sorry for not updating in such a long time. I've been very busy with school lately. But now, our christmas vacation has started... Yeeeeyyyy...

Anywho, here you go. The Chapter 5. This the longest chapter I've ever published in my entire life. It has 672 words. I have already written a longer chapter with more than 1000 words but I deleted it. And that is why I used the word published.

Again, thanks for continuesly reading my story. And I am so sorry for any wrong grammars or spellings or wrong usage of words. Like I said in the previous chapter, English us only my second language.

I love my readers. Until next time, if there is a next time. Bye.


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