Thirteen - Chapter Sixteen

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I awoke to a throbbing head and my body as limp as a bag of peas. I tried to lift my head but it refused to move from the bent over position. I couldn't move any part of my body.

    "How are you feeling?" A sinister voice floated around me. I couldn't answer. I had no control over my mouth. "Answer me!"

    Suddenly my chin jerked up and my eyes flashed open. "I'm fine..." I coughed, looking around and seeing nothing. The light of one lamp was on me and there were no windows in here.

    "Good. Welcome to the Circ De Freak," A man announced in a loud silky smooth voice. He stepped into the light and I saw atop his head a silk black top hat with brass welding goggles perched around the brim. Tufts of medium length raven black hair framed a pale and unforgettable face. Red eyes that burned into your soul narrowed to stare at my face. As he smiled I saw his pointed teeth like a reptiles. He wore a red ringmasters tailcoat with brass buttons and gold embroidiment on the sleeves over a black t-shirt. He fashioned dark grey slimming trousers that tied up the sides in a corset-like weave and over them he wore buckled boots, with a knife wedged firmly in one. And finally, upon his belt a bullwhip and what looked like a loaded revolver.

    I glanced around and took in more than just the light. My wrists were tied to the arms of the wooden chair, creating sore ropes burns against my pale skin. "What do you want?"

    "I'm the Ringmaster," He carried on as if I hadn't spoken. "Leader of Circ De Freak and Patron of the Fine Arts. I'm also Grand Master of All Things Magical and Mystical"

    "O-Okay," I stuttered, unsure of what to say. "But what do you want?"

    "Oh no, it is not what I want, my dear," He gasped theatrically. "It's what my audience wants"

    "And what does your audience want?" I asked, mimicking his airy tone. Maybe if I kept him talking he might slip up what he wanted with me and where I was.

    "My audience wants to be moved," He started proudly, using his hands for emphasis. I could tell he had given this speech many times before. "They want action, to be brought out of reality and into a world where their dreams and nightmares become true. They want to feel every emotion possible in one night," He grabbed the arms of the chair, including my arms, and brought his face closer. "And I give them that"

    "Except you have to kidnap your audience and hold them against their will" I spat, effectively losing my poker face. He noticed this and backed away.

    "You may not understand the way I obtain my audience but beggers can't be choosers" He sighed, adjusting the cuffs of his jacket.

    "What? By knocking people unconscious and dragging them to god knows where?!" I screamed. My ears started stinging slightly so I sucked in a deep breath and tried to calm my fast beating heart. He noticed this as well.

    "It worked in bringing you here," He pointed out, earning a glare from me. It might've been hard to admit, but I knew he was right. "And it's the most effective in getting a full house so I'm not going to question it"

    Of course you're not going to question it. You need the audience for their souls. I scowled at him while he smiled at something behind me. When a pinching sensation hurt my ears he nodded and the bracelet's electrocuted me.

    I screamed. "What the hell?! I'm calm!"

    "Oh you're not controlling it anymore," The Ringmaster laughed. "My Shadow is" A midnight black engulfed me for a second before a black blur hovered next to the Ringmaster. I noticed then that the Ringmaster didn't have a shadow.

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