Thirteen - Chapter Two

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The first thing I felt was the splitting headache. It was like someone was trying to pry my head open with their bare hands. Sharp waves of electricity forced its way into my system and my muscles spasmed as it shot through my veins. Freezing cold encased itself around my wrists and ankles and my skin was pinched by clips, pulling at the flesh.

      "You're awake" A cold, emotionless voice stated, their voice static as if coming through a speaker. I strained to open my eyes as pain sizzled through my body but I managed to keep them open long enough to gape in horror at what was happening.

      What I was able to make out a circular metal contraption which had me lifted a few inches off the floor. Metal braces were the source of the cold as they attached themselves to the machine and held me in an uncomfortable position, a kind of mid-air star jump that pulled at my muscles. The room I was in was small and dark and smelled faintly of blood and grime, bringing up bile in my throat as I imagined what could have died in here. Opposite me the room was cut in half by a huge sheet of glass and behind it was the worse looking human being I had ever seen.

      He was tall, much taller than the other men in the room behind the glass, and stood at his full posture, trying to intimidate me with the authority he clearly possessed over the others, with a pristine white lab coat that hung on his well-toned body. His face was angular and had an ugly scar from his right eye across his nose and which ended at his cheek. Wild black hair overpowered his head as if someone had intended on making him look like Albert Einstein and cruel blood-red eyes glared at me, burning with hate and slight desperation. The other men in the room looked like scientists of some sort, making notes on clipboards and murmuring to each other as they stared at me in disbelief.

      "Did you sleep well?" He smirked when he spoke to me, treating me as if I were inferior to him.

      "Where am I?" My voice was weak and hoarse and left a slight burning sensation in my throat. A thicker wave of electricity sparked through my body and it spasmed every single muscle throughout my being. It disappeared as quickly as it had come and left my body smoking and sticky with sweat. My hair stuck to my face and my breath came out in broken gasps. The thought of my skin cooking because of the shock left an unpleasant feeling in the pit of my stomach.

      "You, my dear, are in the Nova Research Facility on Mystical Creatures," He spoke to me as if I were stupid; as if I should've known where I was. "My name is Doctor Cerulean," Confusion must have coloured my feature's for he heaved an exasperated sigh, pulling a hand over his face. "You should know that we have dedicated out lives to researching the mystical world and all of its qualities! By any mean necessary"

      "Then-" I coughed as the scratching feeling took over my throat again. " Then why am I here?"

      "Don't play dumb with me! I know, we all know, what you are!" Doctor Cerulean snapped.

      "What?" I croaked. Behind Doctor Cerulean the other scientists started swapping their notes and whispering nervously to each other. One tapped the doctor's shoulder, murmuring quickly into his ear. The door to their room swung open to make way for a much older man who made the scientists look even more anxious as he walked into the room as if he owned the place.

      He fashioned fuzzy pure white hair that exploded underneath his business hat and a large white beard which covered his wrinkled face and which made him look slightly like an evil Santa Clause, ultimately ruining my childhood. His small black eyes managed to send shivers down my spine as he stared at me as if I were some sort of disgusting being. He wasn't as well built as Doctor Cerulean and he was slightly shorter than him, but he still held the power to frighten the other scientists into a state of distress. He wore a smart suit and walked with a slight limp, which is why he held the gold-topped cane in his wrinkly hand.

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