Thirteen - Chapter Seven

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"So first we'll be getting basic statistics and then you'll so the first proper test..." One scientist with a strangely seep voice said. He droned on and on about everything that I found myself tuning out and staring into space.

    "Get in," Another deep voice ordered, pushing Naida and me into a room. It kind of looked like a doctor's office, with a desk in the corner and two long hospital beds. "Sit down" He shoved us over to the beds and we took a seat on one.

    "So," The office chair spun round to reveal the scientist Sebastian had chatted to. He had neatly combed brown hair and a square face and thick eyebrows that made him look as if he were frowning all of the time. Dull blue eyes stared at us and his lips were pressed into a thin smile. It looked as if he didn't want to be here. "Allergies?"

    "No" I replied shortly. Every scientist in the room quickly jotted this down on their clipboards.

    "And what about you?" The scientist pointed at Naida with his pencil.

    "I'm allergic to nuts" Naida answered. Again, all that could be heard was the scratching of pencils on paper.

    "Okay, we're going to take a few blood tests just to find out what you are... oh and by the way, my name is Doctor Mayhew. I will be your supervisor from now on," He explained, standing up and walking over to a small metal table. Picking up a needle, he examined it and tapped it gently with his knuckle. I shut my eyes and felt the prick of the needle. "That's strange..." Doctor Mayhew murmured.

    "What? What's wrong?" I asked, starting to panic. Saying something was strange was never a good sign in a doctors office.

    "Have a look," Doctor Mayhew instructed. I opened my eyes expecting the worse and saw bright blue blood inside the vial.

    "My bloods blue?!"

    "You get more and more interesting everyday..." Doctor Mayhew muttered as he stored the blood safely away.

    What was that supposed to mean?

    When he went to get Naida's blood I watched and the same surprised expression came onto my face as Doctor Mayhew when he drew silver metallic-looking blood.

    "I never knew Water Nymph's blood was silver" I murmured to Naida.

    "Yeah, it's weird" Naida shrugged.

    "Next is the endurance test. Subject Twelve, please go with Group A to the room for you and Subject Thirteen please go with Group C to the room for you. I need to make some calculations with Group B. Be back here when you're finished" Doctor Mayhew waved us away and spun round in his chair again.

    Naida was taken by three scientists out of the door and I was taken by four scientists. I tried to make no noise when walking with them but I must have made slight whimpering noises.

    I was scared for my life and I had no idea what they were going to do to me. I was shoved into a huge white room with a large tank of water in the middle of the room and at least five men in diving suits holding their helmets under their arms. I was confused at first but then realized what they were going to make me do. Glancing round, I saw one scientist locking the door.

    I was trapped.

    "Today, we'll be seeing how long you can last underneath water. It's standard for all subjects" One of the men in diving suits told me.

    I gulped.

    They grabbed me and pushed me onto a platform. My heart beat thudded in my ears as the platform slowly lifted, taking me up to the top of the tank. I stared at the clear blue liquid behind the glass and the butterflies in my stomach pounded the sides even harder as we reached the top. My heart threatened to burst out of my chest when the men equipped metal bands around my wrists. There was a buzzing from the scientists on the ground and one gave us a thumbs ups.

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