I woke up in the middle of the night and looked at Key just to see her watching tv. I looked at the time on my phone and replied to a few messages. Then i went and sat on her. She sat me in the perfect position on her and i laid down. She kissed me and i drifted back to sleep.
I woke up and Key was sound asleep so i sat up and kissed her and went to get out some clothes so i could get dressed. As i was getting my clothes out my bag i felt Key hands around my waist. She turned me around and her lips smashed into mine. She picked my clothes out then got matching colors out for her and carried me to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I asked her for a hug and she gave me a hug then washed me and washed herself and we got out. She lotioned me down and dressed me. After she was dressed we ate then went to my house so we could talk to Jennifer. When we got there Jennifer was in her room so i went up and told her Key was here and that i would leave so they could talk. She said she would text me when they were done and gave me her debit card that was only used for me and her keys so i could go to the mall.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I gave Jennifer the card and her keys back and left the house. When Key and i got home she was showing a lot of love and affection. She started playing bump and grind and started taking my clothes off. I have no idea what Jennifer said to her but it affected her and i kinda like it. Its almost like she was threatened into doing this. I will find out after i give her the gift i bought her. It was a good 2k but it was worth it. I mean she is my only love... right?