Telling the fans and the boys

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*flashback starts*
"are you ok you seem a little bit off" he says ok I think I can tell him now "Connor please don't be mad I didn't tell you straight away" I say "ok you scaring me a little" he says "con your gonna be a dad"
*flashback over*
I wait for his response "how far are you" he asks "about two weeks" I replied "this is this is........the best day of my life" he says and hugs me and I hug back. I feel a Wight left from my shoulders "so maybe we could tell the fans in a twit cam and ask Brad, tris and James to watch it" he says "let's do it" I say and we both tweet saying that we're doing a twit cam tonight. When we get to Ashley's house and go to my room and set up the laptop "ok you ready for this princess" he says "as ready as I'll ever be" I say and we start 'jade-hey everyone it's me, con-don't forget me jade, jade-sorry Connor so anyway we have something we'd like to tell you all so who's ready for it, con-I think its a yes, jade-ok so drum roll please, con-*drums on the desk*, jade-me and Connor are having a baby, con-yea it's the best day of  my life, jade-*reads some comments* awwww guys you all being really sweet, con-I've never been so happy *kisses jades cheek*i love you, jade-I love you too con, con-*smiles**phone goes off*, jade-you might wanna get, con-ok be right back *walks out the room*, jade-so yea I'm gonna be a mum and I know it may get a little tuff but I should manage with the amazing friends I have and of course con will be there for me all the way he makes me feel like I've actually important to someone, con-*listening to her*, jade-ok so a couple people are asking me to sing so what should it be *giggles at the requests*ok so can we dance it is then*starts singing it*, con-*sings along with her*, jade-*smiles*, con-ok well that's all for now bye guys we'll see ya later". I smile "i love you so much con" I say "I love both of you" he says with a huge smile and I'm the happiest girl alive.

-three weeks later-

I'm finally going home and Ashley dropped me off "hey congrats on the baby promise you'll call when you find out the gender" she says "I promise" I say and hug her. I get onto my plane and close my eyes sleeping the hole time. I wake up as we land and I got my bag and walk to baggage claim and waited for it and call Connor as he came home earlier "jade- con guess who's home now, con-are you really, jade-yep just waiting for my bags as we speak, con-yes I can't wait to see you again, jade-awwwwww con I love you so much oh I see my bag I'll be home very soon, con-ok love you too babe" I hang up and take my bags. I get a taxi and when I get to the apartment building I see con waiting outside "hey I'm home" I say and we hug. He helps me with the bags "just a word of warning the boys may or may not be waiting to see you and you know what their like" he says "yep I've missed those dorks" I say smiling. We get outside my door and as I'm getting my key out of my backpack "JADE YOUR HOME" is what I hear and I'm pulled into a group hug. I giggle "you guys are the best" I say "awwwww jade your the best and your gonna be an amazing mum" tris says "thanks guys" I say and finally get into my apartment and in bed.

im what? (a vamps fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora