Chapter 6: Tortilla Wars!

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**Annabelles POV**


"Lets do something fun while we can!" I state.

"Like what?" Louis questions.

"I dont know!"

"Oh I think I have an idea!" Louis smiles deviously. This cannot turn out well!

(Back to present time)

"And what would that be Mr Tomlinson?" I ask suspiciosly.

"Lets prank call!" he laughs.

"Why not! Who first?" I pull out my phone.

"Erm HARRY!" Louis bounces in his seat as I dial Harrys phone number using *67. (It changes your number on theother persons screen so they dont know who it is!)


"Is this Taco Bell? Well I would like two glow in the dark tacos please!" I say into the phone.

(H: Harry and A: is annabelle L: Louis)

H: Um no this isnt TacoBell, wrong number dear

A: IM sure this is McDonalds! I just called here yesterday!

H: Uh you said you were calling Taco Bell......

A: Obviously you werent listening! I obviously said Nandos

H: No you didnt! Who is this?

A: Lily

H: Well Lily this isnt Taco Bell, McDonalds, or Nandos!

A: Whos Lily?

H: OH my gosh!

L: Jennifer! Have you ordered thechinese food yet!

A:Yeah Im talking to the man from China Express!

H: NO your not and JENNIFER! LouisTomlinson and Annabelle! Im going to kill you both! Louis you shouldve knownbetter than to use Jennifer with me! Idiot!

With that Harry hung up and Lou and I burst out laughing. "Nice one Lou, Jennifer? You know thats your girl name! Silly goose!" I pat him on the head.

"Sorry! Now its my turn to call someone and you choose who!"

"Call Lou!"

"Oh this is gonna be fun!"

(L=Louis A=Annabelle T= Lou)

T: Hello Louis? Whats up?

L: I need to tell you something Lou.......

T:Um okay then go on! Nothing can be that bad ey?

Lou sounds nervous. I would too considering he is very convincing.

L: Im going punk...

T: WHAT! Your playing a trick on me Louis

L: No, Ive already fixed my hair and lastnight I got my ears pierced, gages to be exact! Ill send a photo if you would like

Louis makes himself sound excited.

L: Louis... that isnt a good choice especially for publicity! I dont mean to judge your decisions but what are we going to do? Send the picture. We can see what I can work with

Louis and I begin to freak out but then I remember... Punk Direction photo edits!

I download one to his phone and send it to her. She gasps into the phone.

L: Its amazing right!

T: Ummm uh I-

L: Oh yes and one more thing

T: Yes?

She is really nervous now.

A: This prank call is certified by me Annabelle Sampson and Louis Tomlinson!

I hear Lou sigh in relief but then she began to lecture us about scaring her. She also tells Louis to NEVER go punk. I laugh through the whole thing but what can I say? Its hilarious!

After she finally hung up Louis and I are already rolling on the ground laughing, literally. "I think you are the best prank caller known to man!" I say in between laughs.

"I know arent I?" he sits up and pretends to flip his hair. I laugh even more at this.

"Do you want lunch?" Louis asks suddenly.

"Sure! We should make tacos!" I jump up and run to my kitchen. I

grab shells, tortillas, meat, and sauce out.

Louis walks up next to me and turns on the stove, also adding a pan on top of the burner. I slide the meat in and begin to cook it. Behind me Louis takes out the tortillas and starts to heat them up.

**Louis POV**

I sneak behind her with the tortilla in hand and prepare to play out my scheme. Once directly behind her I slap her with the tortilla. She turns around, shocked.

"Oh its on!" she grabs a tortilla and attacks me as well. Soon we are having an all out tortilla war!

We continue with the tortilla war until a loud beeping sound fills the flat. I turn and see that the meat is burnt to a crisp!

We hurry and open doors to let the smoke escape. I honestly find the situation hilarious.

"So much for tacos!" Annabelle murmurs, climbing down from the counter she was standing on.

"Yeah! Oh sh*t what time is it?" I ask frantically. I completely forgot about my fake date with Eleanor!

"Yeah you should probably hurry!" Annabelle says nervously, showing me the time. I was supposed to leave half an hour ago!

I rush out the door after kissing Annabelle and saying, "Goodbye I love you darling!"

**Annabelles POV*

After Louis leaves I get a text from Danielle. 'Hey u wanna go shopping?' it reads.

'Sure what time?' I reply

'Pick u up in an hour! Bts! Xx' she sends. I hurry to get ready and finish quickly.

I decide to wear an aeropostale shirt, skinny jeans, and black ankle boots. I wear my hair in its natural curly state and Im ready for my shopping day!

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