Au Revior...

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I should stop my whining, but everyone likes a good sob story right? Well it sucks to suck.

In my 15 years of experience on this Earth, I have never been so excited. Ever. Not even that hot day in Central Park when my parents went of to get ice cream. In a few months I will be able to come and go as I choose and be as free as a bird.

I've shown up to a job every required day since I was 13 1/2. My foster dad (of then) saw I "needed discipline" and somehow they made an exception at the local Walmart. I'm glad because the extra 500 bucks I made that summer was the breaking point of my soon to be car. It's a little rusty, but the test drive with the current owner in the passenger's seat proved to be satisfactory. It's kind of my ticket out of here. Of course I'll still need to check in with my foster parents every couple days, but still it's a life changing event.

If things ever get rough, the car would be sufficient shelter and they supply me with food so for the near future, I'm all set. Of course an apartment would be nicer so a stable job after school is a plus.

I moved here about a week ago. These folks are nice, but then again I've only talked to them in front of the social workers. Alone is when you learn someone's true character. By the looks of them they will leave me be for most of the time but looks can be deceiving. Me, of all people should know.

I don't go to school that much, but I know all I need to. To survive at least. They give me a week to "get in to my new environment" then public school is mandatory again. I don't know anyone here yet so Monday should be interesting (like always).

At my old school I didn't have any friend, well I didn't have enough time to. I still have no idea how I'm going to act on my first day. Maybe I will pose as a the classic "to good for you" girl. That's always a fun one.

This place is in Maine. It's a larger town, but not thriving. I've heard that they mostly rely on tourism and small museums and shops, but to be honest I don't even know why full time residents live here. There's a Main Street, and my new place is about 3 blocks away. Some of the shops include a toy store, a greasy pizzeria, and a coffee shop, just to name a few. I hope to get a job soon too.

The home base is okay too, I guess. It has three stories and a balcony looking on to the street below. I don't know why anybody would want that, but okay. Right now my room is disgusting. I guess it's preferable compared to some other dives I've stayed in, but still NOT my style. There is a metal bed frame with a hot pink zebra print blanket covering the mattress. And a rusty table in the middle of the room. What am I going to be doing with a table? Ugh, I hate it here all ready.

Apparently these people have housed foster kids before, always older kids. At first glance they seem a little rough around the edges. The lady (named Pearl) is short and a bit round . She has short blonde hair that looks as though it was styled in the 1980's. You could hear that loud mouth's voice from a mile away. she uses the word "hon" way to much. My first impression: Gossip queen.The guy (named Bert) is tall and lanky, and a man of few words. He's my favorite.

I guess you can say that I'm not well adapted to change. One of my therapists says that u will "do all in my power in order to prevent and diminish new events. Even enjoyable experiences." Well I don't believe her. Choosing my battles is a valuable skill and (even though it doesn't really apply) I personably feel as though as I mastered it.

Anyway, I give this place a 2 months, tops.

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