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I knew people said I was powerful... I just didn't understand what they meant by it until now.

We just finished loading our car with the last of our stuff. We're getting ready to move to London, and I'm not excited. I like Toronto personally; then again I grew up here so that's a little bias, but I'm still not looking forward to London. You may wonder why I'm moving; well to put it simply my mom got transferred to a different school, but really I think she's always wanted to move to a smaller city.

My younger sister, Ashly, is really sad about moving. I mean, she's leaving everything behind. We all are really. This 13 year old, 5 foot 4, blonde hair,blue eyes that are so eccentric they make her skin look so pale it's almost ghostly and who's hair is generally in a high ponytail, is in grade 8, and her life basically revolves around school. She's an honor student, on student council and on the basketball and volleyball team. Not to mention all her friends are here.

My mom, Lisa, is on the board or directors for our schools. She's not really the social type but she seems like the socialite. She has blonde hair as well but shorter than my sisters. her hair is naturally curly but she straightens it for work and is cut to her chin. She has duller blue eyes, but noticeably blue nonetheless. My mom loves to sing, doesn't mean she's good, she just loves to. She has olive skin and a few noticeable freckles. Her and Ashly look much alike... then there's me.

My name is Kate, Kate Springs to be precise. I'm 5 foot 6 and am nothing like the rest of my family. If you saw the three of us walking down the street you'd think I'm a stranger trying to pass them. I like to think I take after my dad, but anyways, I have very fair skin, no freckles, thin dark eyebrows, long dark brown wavy hair and grey eyes with full dark eyelashes and high slightly defined cheekbones. I'm in grade 10(I'm currently 15) and I'm not the prettiest girl in school, I'm not a jock or in a clique of any sort, I'm not an honor student... I'm just Kate. I'm naturally happy, not the always in the best mood ever happy (like my family), I'm just happy. I like adventures and my music, but that's about it.

My mom always joked about me being from mars or someplace, and sometimes I believe she could be right.


hello readers, this prologue was mainly written so you could get a visual of what the characters look like before the moving begins. I'm gonna try and keep up to date with this book. But sorry if I cannot in advance! let me know if you like the name Kate because I went back and fourth between Kate and Katherine... and if you don't like either of the names please leave suggestions! Okay, well time to go back to editing!! Bye!!

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