Chapter 14: IV

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AN: Hey. So if you didn't read the little note at the end of the last chapter I said that the rest of the chapters are going to be pretty heavy. I also said that the way I am writing this book there will be no second book. I know there are a lot of people that like this book but I will definitely make another 5SOS book  where all the guys aren't jerks. Only about six more chapters but they will be good.

- Third Person View-

   Olivia had past out the moment two ambulances arrived. Mia had gotten up and was at Luke's side as they loaded him onto the stretcher. They loaded him into the back and Mia hopped in the back with him. 

    The EMTs had lifted Olivia out of Cole's lap. Tears were still streaming down his cheeks. Her body was limp but her chest was rising and falling slightly. They strapped her to a stretcher and draped a blanket over her small form.

   "Would you like to come with her." A female EMT was looking down on Cole. "I'm not her family." Cole responded. It was a law that no one could ride in the back of an ambulance unless you were immediate family. "Look kid, I can tell she means a lot to you so let's go."  Cole got up and hopped into the back.

-Mia's POV-  

   I was in the back of the ambulance, holding Luke's hand. He looked calm, with the oxygen mask over his mouth and nose. 

  "What happened?" Asked a male EMT, about 35 years old. "He was trying to protect my friend but it didn't work." I responded, not looking up. "Oh." That was all he said. The rest of the ride was silent.

-Cole's POV- 

   "Will she be okay?" I asked as the hooked her up to oxygen mask. "It's fifty fifty right now." Said the female EMT. She lifted up Olivia's shirt to reveal her stomach. "It seems like she was kicked in the sides. Didn't puncture which means no internal bleeding, as far as I can see but she will have some major bruising." I was happy that nothing to bad happened. The rest of the ride was silent besides the sound of the oxygen mask.

-Third Person View-

   Olivia and Luke were both unloaded from the back of ambulance at St. Vincent Hospital in Sydney. Luke was transferred into a wheelchair and brought into a standard hospital room. Now for Livi, she was rushed into the hospital. Crashing through door, whipping around corner, medical terms thrown in every direction.

  "Any major bleeding?"

  "Unknown. But there could be a bit of internal bleed last time I checked." 

   The EMT lifted up the side of her shirt. A deep purple bruise like spot was on her right side.

"She needs to be brought into surgery ASAP. The bleeding can't be stopped unless we bring her into surgery." Said the EMT as he put her shirt down.

They crashed through the final set of doors into the operating room. They ripped of her pant and shirt and dressed her in a hospital gown. The placed her on the table and got to work to stop the bleeding.

-Three hours later-

   Olivia laid on a hospital bed with an oxygen mask still strapped over her nose and mouth. A nurse laid all her IV pouches on her bed and pushed her into a room she would be sharing with her best friend Luke. The nursed hung the bags on the stand and walked out closing the door quietly behind her. 

   You could be asking yourself what happened to Luke. He was brought into this room and IVs were jabbed into him.  He was sedated so he could rest. A brace was put on his right hand. He got stitches over his left eyebrow. Ice has been placed on left ankle. His chest rises and falls with each shallow breath. You might be asking if he will survive. Of course. He'll be perfectly fine.

   Now for Olivia. She survived the surgery. The internal bleeding stopped but that is the only thing that can be stopped with this terrifying event. She might have nightmares, she might have have anxiety, panic attacks, and depression for the rest of her life but she will be fine.

   Olivia lies dead to the world as she hasn't woken up yet. Her chest is similar to Luke's, falling and rising ever slightly. She lies looking ever so peaceful and young. She hasn't looked like this in years.

-Mia's POV- 

  Cole and I sat in the uncomfortable plastic chairs of the hospital waiting room. We have been sitting out here for the past three and half hours. I was tired and just wanted to see Luke and Olivia. Cole and I were informed that Livi was taken into surgery as soon as she arrived at the hospital.

   A doctor came walking out with a clipboard and I shooked Cloe awake.

   "Mister Pendery and Miss Campbell." The doctor said walking over to us. "Good news. Olivia's surgery went well and you can see her and Luke as soon as she wakes up." I nodded and smiled lightly. I wipe my hands over my face. I sit back and huff out. Cole squeezes my hand and I smile lightly again. I hope everything is okay.

I hope you like this chapter. I know its a bit heavy but its okay. When I was younger my mother was in the hospital for 18 days. I remember she went to the hospital right after Thanksgiving, it might have even been Thanksgiving. I was so young and it scared me going in there everyday. I was only in the second grade I believe. My mother could have passed away, I was lucky she didn't but it scared me so badly. I hope this happens to no one. I'm not saying this to get pity or for you to feel anything for me. I just remember the hospital and how scary it can be even if you're not the one staying there. Sorry for that little story time but I like putting a bit of my experiences into each chapter. Love you. -Meghan   

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